How to Configure One Click Ad Buys


An admin has the option to set up the configuration for Ad campaigns and create an Ad Buy to ensure that all the campaign creators use the pre-configured values and maintain consistency.

Use of this feature requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

To Configure 1 Click Ad Buy

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, select One Click Ad Buys within Execute.

  2. On the Ad Buys window, click Manage Ad Buys to configure One Click Ad Buys.
    Manage One Click Ad Buy

  3. Click Create New from the top right corner of the Manage Ad Buys window.

  4. On the 1 Click Ad Buy Details window, enter the field details, and click Preview to review the details. For more information, see 1 Click Ad Buy — Field Descriptions.


    You can pre-select the Objective, Placement, Bidding, Targeting, and Budget details along with the Creatives without selecting the Ad Account. Using this, Central teams can create personalized templates and share them with Local teams to publish brand-approved ad campaigns via Sprinklr Distributed.

  5. Click Save to confirm your changes.
    Create New Ad Buy

1 Click Ad Buy — Field Descriptions


Provide a name for your 1 Click Ad Buy.


Provide a description for your 1 Click Ad Buy.


Select the channel from the drop-down list.

Select your Campaign Goal

Select a Campaign Goal from the drop-down list.

Ad Buy Type

Choose the type of Ad Buy you want to create from:

  • Paid Publishing

  • Organic Publishing

Visibility and Permissions - Configure who do you want this Ad Buy to See, Edit, and Publish Campaigns from.
Ad Buy Configuration
Ad Account
Define how you would like the user to select the ad account. You can select from:
  • ​Preselect an Account​

  • Allow the user to select the account

Paid Initiative Name

Define how you would like the user to set the Paid Initiative name. You can select from:

  • Set Paid Initiative name for the User

  • Select a Naming convention to auto-generate the names

  • Allow user to name the Paid Initiative

Ad Creatives
Define how you would like the user to find creatives. You can select from:
  • ​Preselect Ad Creatives for the user​

  • Allow user to select creative

Objective Details
Define how you would like the user to set the Objective specific details. You can select from:
  • ​Preselect Objective details​

  • Allow user to set the Objective details


Define how should the user reach the audience. You can select from:

  • Preselect targeting for the User

  • Allow User to select from Audience Manager

  • Preselect targeting for the User and allow overriding specific targeting fields

  • Allow user to create a new Targeting

  • Allow user to create a new Targeting or to select from Audience Manager

Define a way for the user to place Ads. You can select from:
  • ​Preselect the placement for the user​

  • Allow user to set the placement

Define how you would like the user to bid and set the price for the Ad. You can select from:
  • ​Preset Bidding and Pricing for the user​

  • Allow user to define Bidding and Pricing

Define how you would like the user to set the budget. You can select from:
  • Set a budget for the user


  • You can select one or more Strategy Group(s) while defining your Budget.

  • You will not be able to select Strategy Groups having Pacing Control and Budget Source optimizations together. Such Strategy Groups can only be applied during the campaign publishing stage.

  • Allow user to set the budget

  • Allow user to set the budget and predefine budgeting criteria


You can set Role Permissions to enable or disable the visibility of Agency Margin for your Ad Buys.

Custom Fields
Fill the custom fields for the users or allow them to fill. You can select from:
  • ​Preselect Custom field for the user​

  • Allow user to select custom fields