Enhancements for Bulk Ad Imports


Bulk Import makes campaign launches faster by allowing you to effortlessly scale capabilities that add value to different stages of the campaign lifecycle. In this article, you will learn about the various enhancements made to the Bulk Import workflow for improved usability and increased efficiency.

Improvements to Bulk Import Template


All these enhancements are available in the Standard Import Template as well as the Exported Template file.

Standard Bulk Import Template Reference

The bulk import template headers are Grouped and Aligned with the various stages of the campaign creation workflow.
Bulk templates have become more easy-to-use by allowing you to download curated and granular templates based on Campaign Objectives for each channel.
  • You can easily locate columns as they have been organized to follow the Ads Composer workflow.
  • You will be provided with relevant bulk headers to suit your campaign objective. For example, Facebook Store Visits and Facebook Conversions would have different workflows and headers and can be accessed as separate sheets.
Highlighted mandatory dependencies with different Color Codes along with necessary Field Descriptions allow for better usability.
  • Mandatory Fields - Highlighted as Yellow
  • Conditionally Mandatory Fields - Highlighted as Orange
  • You no longer have to rely on your memory for mandatory fields as they can be easily identified based on color.
  • The field descriptions will convey information regarding the field and guide you based on the format and how to fill the values.
Contextual Drop-down suggestions for fields with predefined values and flexible formatting to forgive case sensitive validations.
  • Minimize manual user errors such as providing incorrect information or invalid case sensitivities.
  • Easily identify the values from the drop-down options instead of having to look for the information.

Export Template for Bulk Import

While configuring a Bulk Template, not all the columns pertaining to the desired campaign objective will be relevant for your use case. For Instance:

  • While creating a new Ad under an existing campaign, you will need to configure only the Creative fields, as other information including Targeting and Budget details would be pre-built for an existing Ad Set.

  • While creating a single Image / Video Ad, you will need to only use the Image / Video headers, and fields related to Carousel Ads would not be relevant.

In such cases, exporting All Columns would needlessly provide all the columns including those that would not be suitable for your use cases. In this enhancement, we have improved this behavior and have included a direct adaptation of the bulk import templates curated to your use cases by taking an export. Using Ads Manager Export, you can directly get the following curated templates for your bulk use-cases.

Export Bulk Import Template Reference

Use Case

    Bulk Column Header Label Changes


    Please adapt your Bulk sheets to suit the label changes if you are maintaining a Custom Bulk Template. Standard and the Export templates from Ads Manager will automatically reflect the latest changes.

    Previous Header Labels
    New Header Labels

    Product 1 - Link

    Product 1 - Destination URL


    Product 2 - Link

    Product 2 - Destination URL


    Product 3 - Link

    Product 3 - Destination URL


    Product 4 - Link

    Product 4 - Destination URL


    Product 5 - Link

    Product 5 - Destination URL


    Product 6 - Link

    Product 6 - Destination URL


    Product 7 - Link

    Product 7 - Destination URL


    Product 8 - Link

    Product 8 - Destination URL


    Product 9 - Link

    Product 9 - Destination URL


    Product 10 - Link

    Product 10 - Destination URL





    Display Link

    Display URL


    Interested In



    Optimized Event

    Conversion Pixel Event


    Optimized Conversion Tracking Pixels

    Conversion Pixel ID






    Website URL





    Ad Set Run Status

    Ad Set Status


    Ad Set Time Start

    Ad Set Start Time


    Ad Set Time Stop

    Ad Set Stop Time


    Object Store URL

    Store URL


    Event ID

    App Event ID


    Attribution Spec

    Conversion Window


    Education Status

    Education Levels


    Global Regions

    Country Groups


    Excluded Global Regions

    Excluded Country Groups


    Page Types



    Link Object Id

    Creative Handle Id


    Flexible Custom Audiences

    Flexible Tailored Audiences


    Import & Export — Deprecated Headers


    The following Bulk headers are deprecated, and will not be available in Standard or Export templates from Ads Manager. Please adapt your Bulk sheets to remove the deprecated headers if you are maintaining a Custom Bulk Template.

    • Pricing Level (FB)

    • Retailer IDs (FB)

    • Advanced Combinations (FB)

    • Age Brackets (FB)

    • Demographics (FB)

    • Dynamic Travel Audiences (FB)

    • Excluded User AdClusters (FB)

    • Locations (FB)

    • Unified Interests (FB)

    • Negative Behaviors (TW)

    • Positive Sentiment (TW)

    • Lookalike Audiences (TW)

    • Automatically Set Bid (TW)

    • Locations (TW)

    • App Store Category (TW)

    • App Store Category Expanded (TW)

    • App Store Category Lookalike (TW)

    • Behaviors (TW)

    • Behaviors Expanded (TW)

    • Mobile Custom Audiences (TW)

    • Flexible Exclusions (LI)

    • Flexible Inclusions (LI)

    • Locations (Pinterest)


    Will the Bulk template enhancements (Objective segregation, Drop-down boxes, Color codes) impact the Export functionality?

    Bulk Template enhancements will reflect in the following templates:


    Bulk Template enhancements will not affect the All Columns option in Ads Manager Export as the option can be used for such use cases where Brands would export campaigns for cross-channel analysis where objective wise segregation of the sheets are not desired.

    Can we Bulk Import Ads for multiple channels or campaign objectives using the same Bulk sheet?

    We can Bulk Import Ads for only one channel at a time using the same Bulk sheet. However, Ads for more than one campaign objective belonging to the same channel can be configured within the same Bulk sheet.


    Bulk headers for different objectives would be available as separate tabs within the same sheet while taking an export or using the standard template.

    Can we use Bulk headers for multiple campaign objectives within the same tab while Importing?

    Yes. If you have a custom template that has bulk headers for multiple objectives (belonging to the same channel) consolidated in one tab, then such templates would continue to work while Importing.

    Which capabilities will be newly supported in Bulk after the enhancement?

    Using Bulk Import, you will now be able to create posts with Placement Asset Customization, Language Customization, and Dynamic Creatives.

    How will the enhancements impact my existing Bulk workflow?

    If you are currently using a Standard template or Ads Manager Export for your Bulk Import workflow, then such templates will automatically reflect the changes, and no adapters will be required. 

    However, if you are using a Custom Bulk Template, then you will need to adapt your template sheets to suit the label changes and field deprecations as described above.

    Do the fields highlighted in yellow color code have to be necessarily filled for successful Import?

    Yes. Fields highlighted in yellow are always considered mandatory and need to be filled for successful Import. However, the mandatory color coding for Custom fields is only an indication, and custom fields will not be validated during Bulk Import.

    Will the Bulk Templates dynamically update newly added custom fields and custom field values?

    Yes. Custom fields will be dynamically captured and newly added fields will automatically reflect in the latest Bulk Export.

    Will the time-related fields in the Bulk templates align with the Account time zone?

    The time-related fields in the Bulk templates will align with the GMT time zone and not the Account time zone.

    Are there any best practices to be followed while using Bulk templates?

    Refer to the following points for best practices while using Bulk Templates:

    • The Bulk Import should only contain sheets that are relevant to the bulk import template and follow the template format. If any other sheets, that are not related to the Bulk Import, are present in the import workbook, then the bulk import will not be processed successfully.

    • The alignment of the header descriptions can get changed in the Bulk templates when you edit and save them. To avoid this, you can follow the below two best practices:

      • A copy of the bulk sheet can be created in the same workbook. This would ensure that the header descriptions retain the readable format.

      • If you would want to use the same Bulk sheet, then ensure that the sheet is saved only after making all the edits to retain the readable format for header descriptions.

    Does the Bulk Enhancements allow for Twitter Cards update?

    If you export an Ad and update the fields relevant to the Twitter Cards, it will have no impact on the original Twitter Card that was selected. However, a new Twitter Card will be created with the newly added fields.