How to Bulk Import Ads for Creation Purposes


Bulk Importing Ads is an efficient way to create multiple ads in the Ads Manager. This makes campaign launches faster by allowing you to effortlessly scale capabilities that would add value to the different stages of the Advertising workflow. 

In this article, we will guide you through the following use cases for Execution where bulk can drive efficiencies upon scaling. Click on a use case below to find its corresponding user guide:

Before You Begin

Familiarize yourself with how to Bulk Import Ads

To Create Multiple Creative Variations

  1. To avail the bulk import capability, you can either:

    • Navigate to the Bulk Import window and select Download Excel Template, or 

    • Export similar ads by navigating to the Export Bulk Template window. Here, select Bulk Import Templates and choose Creating New Campaigns similar to filtered entities for creating new variations.


If you are creating a New Creative, you can directly fill in the respective creative headers where you want to create variations.

For existing creatives, proceed with the steps given below.

  1. Next, click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), click Creative Library within Plan.

  2. On the Creative Library window, double click on the desired asset you would like to pull in using bulk import.

  3. From the Asset Details pane to the right, follow the respective steps below for the different asset states:

  • If your asset is in the Draft state:

    1. Copy the asset ID.
      Copying Asset ID from the Creative Details pane

    2. Create a column named Sprinklr Draft Post ID in the bulk import spreadsheet and paste the Id under the column. Use the given format for entering the asset id in the spreadsheet: d:[ID NUMBER]. After adding the Id, all other values (like image name and body copy) will automatically be copied so you do not need to fill in those columns in the bulk sheet.

    3. Follow the same for multiple assets and Save your spreadsheet after the details are entered.

  • If your asset is in the Published state:

    1. Copy the Story Id from the channel Permalink under the Basic Details section. The story Id is the number at the end of the given link.

    2. Paste the Id under Story ID column of the bulk import spreadsheet. Use the given format for entering the story id in the spreadsheet: s:[ID NUMBER].
      Copying Story ID from the Creative Details pane

    3. Copy the Link Object Id from the channel Permalink under the Basic Details section. The link object Id is the number between the channel website URL (eg: and posts as given in the permalink.
      Copying Link Object ID from the Creative Details pane

    4. Paste the Id under Link Object ID column of the bulk import spreadsheet. After adding the Id, all other values (like image name and body copy) will automatically be copied so you do not need to fill in those columns in the bulk sheet.

    5. Follow the same for multiple assets and Save your spreadsheet after the details are entered.

  1. Navigate to the Bulk Import window from the top navigation bar and click Upload to upload your Excel file with the asset details.

  2. From the bottom right corner of the Bulk Import window, click Import to pull in the creatives.

Customize Creatives for Placements & Languages

Customize your Facebook creatives for different placements and localize the creatives into multiple languages using Bulk Import. In the table below, you will find all the template headers and descriptions to customize creatives for placements and languages.


Default Language

Select the Default Language for your creative from the available options.

Example: English (All)

Dynamic Text 1

Provide the Text for your current variation that tells people about what you are promoting.

Dynamic Image 1

Provide Image, Image SAM Id, Image URL, or Image Hash for your image variation.

Provide the Image file name along with file extension in the following format: Image1.jpeg (or) Image1.png

Dynamic Text 1 DCM Ad Id

Provide the DCM Ad Id created for the Website URL provided in the text, if you have configured DCM for this Ad.

Example: 416892776

Dynamic Image 1 Url

Provide Image, Image SAM Id, Image URL, or Image Hash for your image variation.

Provide a public URL of the Image.

Placement for Dynamic Text 1

Provide the Placements where you would want to serve your text variation.

Example: Feed, Right Hand Column

Dynamic Image 1 SAM Id

Provide Image, Image SAM Id, Image URL, or Image Hash for your image variation.

Image SAM ID can be obtained from the Image details in Asset Manager and entered in the following format: 5e5e09ef43b1060001cb8fdb

Language for Dynamic Text 1

Provide the Language corresponding to your text variation.

Example: Spanish

Dynamic Image 1 Hash

Provide Image, Image SAM Id, Image URL, or Image Hash for your image variation.

Example: 954ebba78f79f2fb0dec4ff382cff0f1

Dynamic Call to Action 1

Select the Call to Action variation for your dynamic creative from the available options in the drop-down.

Note that Call to Action variation is not supported for Placement Asset Customization or Language Customization.

Placement for Dynamic Image 1

Provide the Placements where you would want to serve your image variation.

Example: Feed, Right Hand Column

Dynamic Description 1

Provide a description variation for your Link.

Language for Dynamic Image 1

Provide the Language corresponding to your image variation.

Example: Spanish

Placement for Dynamic Description 1

Provide the Placements where you would want to serve your description variation.

Example: Feed, Right Hand Column

Dynamic Video 1

Provide Video, Video URL, Video Id, or Video SAM Id for your video variation.

Provide the Video file name along with file extension in the following format: Format: Video1.mp4

Language for Dynamic Description 1

Provide the Language corresponding to your description variation.

Example: Spanish

Dynamic Video 1 Url

Provide Video, Video URL, Video Id, or Video SAM Id for your video variation.

Provide a public URL of the video.

Dynamic Headline 1

Add a brief Headline variation for your Ad.

Dynamic Video 1 SAM Id

Provide Video, Video URL, Video Id, or Video SAM Id for your video variation.

Video SAM ID can be obtained from the Video details in Asset Manager and entered in the following format: 5e5e09ef43b1060001cb8fdb

Placement for Dynamic Headline 1

Provide the Placements where you would want to serve your Headline variation.

Example: Feed, Right Hand Column

Dynamic Video 1 Id

Provide Video, Video URL, Video Id, or Video SAM Id for your video variation.

Channel Id of the Video can be obtained from the Video URL. Example: 1861445164178007

Language for Dynamic Headline 1

Provide the Language corresponding to your Headline variation.

Example: Spanish

Dynamic Video 1 Thumbnail Url

Provide a public URL of the video thumbnail image.

Dynamic Link Url 1

Provide a variation for your Website URL.

Dynamic Video 1 Thumbnail SAM Id

Provide Image SAM ID for your Video thumbnail from the Image details in Asset Manager in the following format: 5e5e09ef43b1060001cb8fdb

Dynamic Display Link 1

Provide a variation for Display Link of your Website URL.

Dynamic Video 1 Thumbnail Hash

Provide Image Hash for your video thumbnail.

Example: 954ebba78f79f2fb0dec4ff382cff0f1

Dynamic Link Url 1 DCM Ad Id

Provide the DCM Ad Id created for your Website URL variation, if you have configured DCM for this Ad.

Example: 416892776

Dynamic Video 1 Captions

Provide the file name of the captions along with file extension in the following format:

Placement for Dynamic Link Url 1

Provide the Placements where you would want to serve your Link URL variation.

Example: Feed, Right Hand Column

Placement for Dynamic VIdeo 1

Provide the Placements where you would want to serve your video variation.

Example: Feed, Right Hand Column

Language for Dynamic Link Url 1

Provide the Language corresponding to your Link URL variation.

Example: Spanish

Language for Dynamic VIdeo 1

Provide the Language corresponding to your video variation.

Example: Spanish



Channel Specific Best Practices