How to Apply Smart Rules to Ads


As weather affects practically every consumer’s purchase decision, do you want to capitalize on it?

When your wall floods with conversations around the star cast of your TV show, do you want to make a profit out of it?

Do you want to promote a Paid Initiative based on trending topics or themes?

Sprinklr introduces Smart Rules to deliver the right content at the right time with a few easy steps. Keeping the above needs in mind, Sprinklr brings Smart Rules which help to predefine the consumer-based content and activate the Paid Initiatives using Smart Rules when market trends are favorable. Smart Rules allow you to optimize your ads based on Listening Topics, and Live Weather Insights. In this article, you will be learning about:

Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To Configure Smart Rules in Ads Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, you can view all of your ad entities. To apply Smart Rules on multiple ad entities, select the checkbox alongside the desired ad entities (Paid InitiativesAd Sets, or Ad Variants).

  3. From the bottom Edit panel, hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Horizontal).png and select Apply Smart Rules. To apply Smart Rules on a single ad entity, hover over the Options icon Space_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired ad entity and select Apply Smart Rules.
    Apply Smart Rules

  4. On the Smart Rules window, Select a Condition Type to optimize your ads. Click to learn more about each condition type below:

Condition Type

Optimize your ads in real-time based on how people are talking about a topic on the internet.

Optimize your ads in real-time based on live-weather insights of a location.

Configuring Smart Rules within Ads Manager

  1. Provide a Name for the smart rule that you are creating under the Basic Details section.

  2. Under the Define Rules section, fill in the details based on the condition type that you have selected.

  3. Click Save in the bottom right corner.