How to use the Smart Rule Manager


Smart Rules  help to predefine the consumer-based content and activate the Paid Initiatives when market trends are favorable. Smart Rules allow you to optimize your ads based on Listening Topics  and Live Weather Insights.

The Smart Rule Manager can be found in Ads Settings and shows a list of all the previously configured Smart Rules, their statuses, and other information. Note that you cannot create new Smart Rules here, only in Ads Manager.

To Navigate to the Smart Rules Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. On the Ads Settings window, click the Value Added Features section on the left and select Smart Rules on the right of the window. For more information, see below.

Overview of the Smart Rules window

Smart Rule Manager Entity Descriptions




Slide the Toggle icon Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 11.07.13 AM.png to enable or disable desired Smart Rules.



Hover over to select the following:

  • Edit - Click to edit your desired smart rule.

  • Clone - Click to clone your desired smart rule.

  • Delete - Click to delete your smart rule.


Search for a specific smart rule by entering a name.


Click to refresh the smart rules manager window.



Click to view available columns:

  • Enabled - Status of the smart rule, i.e. enable/disable.

  • Name - Name of the smart rule.

  • Rule Type - Type of smart rule, i.e. Listening, Weather, or Sports.

  • Entity Type - Entity type, i.e. Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets or Ad Variants.

  • Entities - Entity attached to the smart rule.

  • Entity Count - Number of the entities attached to the smart rule.

  • User - Name of the user who created the smart rule.

  • Creation Date - Date of the creation of the smart rule.

  • Modified Date - Date of the modification made in the smart rule.

  • Last Applied Date - Date of the last application of the smart rule.