Smart Rules for Listening


Every day, millions of conversations happen across the internet on a wide variety of topics. What if you could capitalize on those conversations and deliver relevant, personalized ads to social media users in real-time?

We are introducing Sprinklr Smart Rules for Listening. As a part of Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), you can improve Paid Initiative performance by leveraging trends in the market to adjust your Paid Initiative strategy.

Sprinklr Smart Rules for Listening allow you to take action on your Paid Initiatives based upon AI-detected shifts in conversation volume or sentiment.

Smart Rules use Boolean logic to develop topic queries that trigger your ads. For example, activate a brand awareness Paid Initiative based upon an increase in mentions of your brand across the internet or increase the budget for a Paid Initiative based upon a shift from neutral to positive sentiment.

Note: The use of this feature requires that Listening be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Listening, please work with your Success Manager.

Use Cases of Smart Rules for Listening

Entertainment Icon

Travel Icon

Retails Icon

Increase the budget of your ads using smart rules if there is a conversation about a character (i.e. the volume of mentions/positive sentiment increases for the main character) of a TV Show you are promoting.

Pause the ad using Smart Rule if there is an increase in the negative sentiment around the character/TV Show.

Your company offers three marquee vacations to the following destinations: Maldives, Maui, and Bali. In order to promote these destinations, you manually monitor listening volume and sentiment to determine the best time to activate ads.

Using Listening-Based Triggers, you can pre-define Paid Initiatives across channels for the three destinations and apply triggers to activate Paid Initiatives when market trends are in favor.

If you want to promote a sustainability Paid Initiative, you can create titles around Climate Change, Waste Management, Recycling, Plastic, Upcycle and swap your ads based on the most trending topic.

To Configure Smart Rules for Listening

  1. On the Ads Manager window, you can view all of your ad entities. To apply Smart Rules on multiple ad entities, select the checkbox alongside ad entities (Paid InitiativesAd Sets, or Ad Variants) and click Smart Rules at the top of the window.
    To apply Smart Rules on a single ad entity, hover over the Options icon Space_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired ad entity and select Smart Rules.

  2. On the Smart Rules window, Select a Condition Type as Social Listening.
    Creating Smart Rules for Listening

  3. Provide a Name for the smart rule you are creating under the Basic Details section.

  4. Under the Define Rules section, fill in the details as desired. For more information, see Listening — Field Descriptions.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Listening Smart Rule Conditions & Actions


Select Topic

Select a topic(s) from the drop-down menu. You can search for the desired topic. For more information, see How Topics and Themes Work.

  • Topics are queries that you build in Sprinklr that constantly gather data relevant to the search terms you enter.

  • You can also create a new topic by clicking Create New Topic option. You will be redirected to the Topics window within Listening.

Select Theme

Select a theme from the drop-down menu. You can also search for the desired theme. For more information, see How Topics and Themes Work.

  • A Listening Theme is a set of custom filters and keywords that can be used to sort Listening Insights data across a pre-built area of focus. Think of a Theme as a lens through which already-configured topics can be viewed.

Topic Source

Eligible sources will be enabled across the selected topic by default. 

  • The Enabled/disabled sources change based on the topics and themes selected.

  • All the Topic Sources do not apply to all the Topics/Themes. It works as a union.

Hover over to learn about the sources from where your listening data will be fetched.


Select one or more condition(s). Click to view all available conditions.

  • Volume of mentions is trending high

  • Volume of mentions is trending low

  • Volume of mentions is greater than X

  • Volume of mentions is less than X

  • Volume of mentions increases by X%

  • Volume of mentions decreases by X%

  • Volume of engagements is trending high

  • Volume of engagements is trending low

  • Positive sentiment is trending high

  • Positive sentiment is trending low

  • Negative sentiment is trending high

  • Negative sentiment is trending low

  • Positive sentiment increases by X%

  • Negative sentiment increases by X%

  • Positive sentiment decreases by X%

  • Negative sentiment decreases by X%

Time Period of Data (conditional)

Select a time period you wish your data to be fetched for:

  • Last 3 hours

  • Last 6 hours

  • Last 12 hours

  • Last 1 day

  • Last 3 Days

  • Last 7 Days

  • Last 15 Days

  • Last 30 Days

Add New Condition

Select to add a new condition.

Entity on which Action is to be taken

Select the ad entities you wish the actions to be taken upon.


Select one or more action(s). Click to view all available actions.

  • Increase Budget (Lifetime, Monthly, Daily)

  • Decrease Budget

  • Activate Ad

  • Pause Ad

  • Archive (Facebook Only)

  • Sprinklr Paid Initiative

  • Send Email Notification

  • Apply or Remove Custom Fields

Add New Action

Select to add a new action.

Add Actions to Another Entity

Select to add action to another ad entity.

How Topics and Themes Work

  • If your Listening Smart Rules are based on Themes, all the Topic Sources will already be selected.

  • If your Listening Smart Rules are based on a single Topic, you must select at least one Theme. If you have selected multiple Topics, then there is no validation on a theme.

  • Let's say, your Smart Rules Listening topics are Italian Pizza and California Pizza. The data fetched using Topic Sources will either be Italian Pizza or California Pizza or both.

Selecting Topic for Triggering Listening Smart Rules

  • Suppose, your Listening Smart Rules are based on themes, for example, Marinara Pizza and Margherita Pizza. The data fetched from eligible Topic Sources will either be Marinara Pizza or Margherita Pizza or both.

Selecting Theme for Triggering Listening Smart Rules

  • You can also trigger Smart Rules using both Topics and Themes. If your Listening topics are Italian Pizza and California Pizza, the data will be fetched based on your topics.
    However, you can further filter the topic data using various Themes, for example, Marinara Pizza and Margherita Pizza. The data fetched from eligible Topic Sources will be based on your Topics and Themes both.

Selecting Topic and Theme for Triggering Listening Smart Rules