Smart Rules for Weather


You can predefine the consumer-based content and activate the Paid Initiatives using Smart Rules when market trends are favorable. You can configure Smart Rules for Weather so that you can optimize your ads in real-time based on live weather insights of a location. This capability helps you to enhance your overall marketing strategy, improving your ad results and saving time.

Use Case

Based on the different weather conditions, configure smart rules to promote your business.

For example, if you want to promote your household appliances company, you can set smart rules, particularly for heaters during Winter and air conditioners during Summer.

To Configure Smart Rules for Weather

  1. On the Ads Manager window, you can view all of your ad entities. To apply Smart Rules on multiple ad entities, select the checkbox alongside ad entities (Paid InitiativesAd Sets, or Ad Variants) and click Smart Rules at the top of the window. To apply Smart Rules on a single ad entity, hover over the Options icon Space_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired ad entity and select Smart Rules.

  2. On the Smart Rules window, Select a Condition Type as Weather.

  3. Provide a Name for the smart rule you are creating under the Basic Details section.

  4. Under the Define Rules section, fill in the details as desired. For more information, see Smart Rules Weather — Field Descriptions.
    Selecting Conditions and Actions for the Weather Topic Type within Smart Rules

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Weather Smart Rules Conditions & Actions


Select the condition from the drop-down menu. For more information, see Paid Rule Weather Conditions .

  • City (must be specified)

  • Maximum Humidity (%)

  • Maximum Temperature (C)

  • Minimum Humidity (%)

  • Minimum Temperature (C)

  • Precipitation (in mm)

  • Snowfall (in cm)

  • Wind Speed (KPH)

  • Wind Speed (MPH)

Add New Condition

Select to add a new condition.

Entity on which Action is to be taken

Select the ad entities you wish the actions to be taken upon.

Add New Action

Select to add a new action. Actions availabel are:

  • Activate

  • Pause

  • Delete

  • Archive (Facebook Only)

  • Alter Budget (Daily or Lifetime)

  • Send Email Notification

  • Apply or Remove Custom Fields

Add Actions to Another Entity

Select to add action to another ad entity.