Different types of Data Connectors


This article aims to provide an overview of the various types of data connectors available in Sprinklr, including FTP, S3, API, and CRM tools. By understanding these connectors, businesses can effectively leverage them to streamline data ingestion and drive more impactful marketing campaigns. 

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Connector

The FTP connector in Sprinklr simplifies the process of uploading data through traditional file transfer methods. FTP connectors enable customers to securely transfer files from their local systems to Sprinklr's platform. This connector is ideal for organizations that prefer a batch processing approach, allowing them to upload large volumes of data at scheduled intervals, ensuring data accuracy and completeness. 

S3 (Simple Storage Service) Connector

The S3 connector enables customers to directly upload data from their S3 buckets into Sprinklr, eliminating the need for manual data transfers. By leveraging the S3 connector, businesses can efficiently manage, and process vast amounts of data stored in their S3 infrastructure, enhancing data accessibility and real-time analytics capabilities. 

API (Application Programming Interface) Connector

The API connector allows customers to establish a direct connection between Sprinklr and their data sources through secure APIs. This connector facilitates real-time data ingestion, enabling businesses to leverage up-to-date information for their marketing campaigns. With the API connector, customers can integrate various systems such as CRMs, ERPs, or custom-built applications with Sprinklr, ensuring a seamless flow of data.

CRM Tools Connector

Sprinklr offers connectors to popular CRM tools such as Salesforce, Mailchimp, and Eloqua. These connectors leverage single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, enabling customers to securely authenticate and access their CRM data within Sprinklr's platform. This connector ensures data consistency, eliminates manual data exports, and empowers marketers to drive impactful engagements based on real-time CRM insights. 

File Upload

By offering the option for manual file uploads, Sprinklr caters to businesses who may prefer a more hands-on approach to file management. Whether it's uploading specific files that require customization or the need to add files that aren't sourced from connectors or the File Manager, manual file uploads provide flexibility and convenience in integrating additional data into Sprinklr's platform. 

Attached below is a picture of different connectors in the drop-down option.