Setup Content Targeting to Build a Personalized User Experience


Content Targeting, also referred to as content segmentation, is a huge part of Advocacy experience. The advocacy website content segmentation is the process of writing, designing, and organizing content for each of your website’s segmented groups of advocates. Essentially, content segmentation allows you to target different content to different types of people based on their behavior or other factors. 

On what properties can content be segmented?

Depending on your personal preferences and type of business, you can segment your market and your content based on a variety of strategies. 

Common variables used for segmentation include: 

  • Psychographic information, such as a group’s interests, personalities, values, attitudes, common activities, lifestyle, etc.

  • Geographical information, such as where a group of people lives, ranging in scope from country to neighborhood.

  • Demographic information, or things such as occupation, language, department, etc. 

  • Behavioral information, such as what the customers’ needs are and how they react to those needs regarding a product or service.

Essentially, you want to find out who your audience is and what your audience does. After that, you can start to target your content to each individual audience segment. 

Setting up Content Targeting in an Advocacy Site 

There are multiple ways to ensure that users see content that is relevant to them 

  • By tagging Custom Fields 

  • By using the Target Audience feature 

  • By enabling explicit filters on site 

Segmenting content based on Custom Fields 

  1. Set up Screener Questions for the Advocates based on which content will be segmented. 

  2. Configure Custom Fields for Advocacy based upon the Screener Questions. It is recommended to keep 1:1 mapping so that tagging content is easier for admins. Refer to the document for detailed information. 

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  3. Configure a Rule to Segment Content on an Advocacy Site based on the above configured Screener Question and Custom Fields.

    1. Navigate to the Sprinklr Social tab, and click Manage Rules within Triage

    2. In the top left corner of the Rule Engine window, click the dashboard menu icon, and select Customer to view Customer-level Rules. Next, select Community to access segmentation Rules. 

    3. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule to configure a new Community Rule. 

    4. In the New Rule window, fill in the required details.  

    5. While configuring a rule condition in the Edit Condition and Edit Actions pane, set the community-specific conditions as desired, respectively.  

    6. Click Save to finalize the rule.

  4. Once you have set this up, you just need to select the Content Tab on which segmentation should be enabled and add the different Custom Field filters in AND/OR logic. 

Target Audience Feature 

Another way to target content is by using the Target Audience feature. Target Audience is nothing, but a group of users defined on either a common property like their Region / Department or it can be manually configured to add specific set of users. 

This type of targeting is recommended if the user groups are well defined or if the user groups don’t have any identifiable common properties between them.

  1. To use this feature, simply create a post and click Add Targeting in the publisher. 

  2. In the following screen, select the Audience you want to target the content to.  

  3. Save and publish the content and it will only show up for the users that are part of the selected Target Audience.

Explicit Filter 

Another way of targeting relevant content to users is by just giving control to the users themselves. You can enable an Explicit filter on your site that users can use to manually filter content according to their own content preferences. 

Explicit filters can be used with segmentation or independently. It can be a good value addition to give users the flexibility to create their personalized feed instead of having it by the admin configurations.  

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated

Note: Get in touch with your Success Manager to get this feature enabled.

Tips: You can also use a Content Tab time filter feature in the Admin Console to filter the content on the site depending on content’s published date. This will ensure that only fresh content is present on the site and users do not see old irrelevant content.

We learned that there are mainly three widely used ways to ensure specific content is reached to relevant audience. 

  • Targeting using Audience Target feature 

  • Segmenting content using the Custom Field tagging feature 

  • Explicit filters on site for users to manage their content preferences