Confidential Messages



If your marketing campaign includes sensitive content, you might want to restrict access and visibility for such Messages. For example, you may not want confidential or sensitive product information becoming available to people outside the product team, before launch. In such a scenario, you can mark your Message as Confidential.

Confidential Messages are only visible to specific teams and stakeholders. They still appear on the Editorial Calendar, Third Pane, and Production Dashboard, but they will be blurred out for anyone who doesn't have access to them. Users without access to a Confidential Message won't be able to:

  • View or edit any fields or the Message name from the Production Dashboard, Third Pane, or Message Tab.

  • See the Message even if someone mentions them in the Collaboration Pane.

  • See the Message even if someone assigns them a Task

Once the Confidential Message is published as scheduled, the content becomes visible to everyone, the same as any other Message.


To use Confidential Messages, configure a Customer-level Role and assign Users or User groups to it. You will also need to talk to your Success Manager and provide them with the Customer name and Role for which Confidential Messages need to be enabled.

Mark a Message as Confidential

1. Create a Message from the Editorial Calendar or a Campaign

2. In the Overview tab of the Expanded Publisher, check the checkbox titled Is Message Confidential?


Making a Message Confidential

3. Click Save as Draft or Publish in the bottom right corner.

Confidential Messages Visibility

To Users or User Groups with whom a Confidential Message has been shared, only that message will appear normally in the Editorial Calendar and Production Dashboard. They won't be able to see any other Confidential Messages.

To Users or User Groups with View Confidential Messages permissions, all Confidential Messages will appear normally in the Editorial Calendar and Production Dashboard.

User with Visibility Viewing Confidential Message

Users or User Groups who do not have the View Confidential Messages permission or with whom the message has not been shared, will see a blurred version of the message in the Editorial Calendar and Production Dashboards.

User without Visibility Viewing Confidential Message

Viewing Confidential Messages in Production Dashboard


1. All actions on the message such as View, Edit, Schedule, Publish, Approve, Clone, Macro, Create Localized Copies, Export Message, Trigger Workflow for a Confidential Message will be given to only user/user groups with whom confidentiality is shared, for any other user all these actions will be disabled.  

2. The message media will be shown blurred and caption text greyed out in the Preview of Message.  

3. The message media will be shown blurred and caption text greyed out in the Workflow Pane of the message.  

4. The message can be made un-confidential by users who have confidentiality sharing at any time. 



Create Confidential Messages 

View Confidential Messages 

Users added to the Persona configured role with Create Confidential Message Permission 



Users/ User Groups who are added to the share column after marking the message as confidential 



View Confidential Messages permission 



Config Admin Planner permission 




Q. I am unable to see any permission titled Create Confidential Message within Roles & Permissions. Where can I find this? 

A. Create Confidential Message is a backend experience configured permission set up on a role of your choice within your environment. For this to be enabled for the role please contact your Success Manager. 


Q. I have created a Confidential Message and I wish to have its visibility restricted to the legal team, how can I achieve this? 
A. Edit the message -> Go to the column right under the checkbox for Is Confidential? -> Add your legal team's User Group within this column 


Q. Can all Global Admins view the Confidential Messages created by me? 

A. No 


Q. Our CEO wishes to see all Confidential Messages on the platform. Is there a way other than manually sharing each confidential message with them, so that they have visibility? 
A. Create a role with the View Confidential Messages permission and assign it to their User. Now they will be able to view all Confidential Messages 


Q. I created a confidential message X and shared it with the Legal Team. Why is Peter, who doesn't belong to the Legal Team, able to view it? 
A. Check whether:

  • Peter's User or Role has the View Confidential Messages permission added to it.

  • If the confidential messages has already been published. Published messages will no longer be considered confidential as they are public on the channel.

  • Recheck if Peter’s user has been added to the Legal Team User Group.