Publishing Field Glossary(Advocacy)


Relevant personas

  • Marketing managers and executives who want to publish on their Advocacy site using key publishing capabilities in Sprinklr to enhance the content published to the site.

  • Content approvers do not want any content that they have not approved to get accidentally published.

  • Content creators also want to ensure that they abide by the approval processes laid out by the brand marketing teams eliminating the possibility of error.

Use cases

  • Efficiently time the publishing of posts using Auto Scheduling.

  • Publish content to engage advocates and tap the market with the advocate’s network.


This capability allows brands to:

  • Implement stronger governance for publishing.

  • Mitigate brand risk due to non-compliant content.

  • Manage error-free approvals.


  • General availability for Advocacy License.

Message Type — Field Descriptions (Publishing Field Glossary)

Display Content

Enter a title for your Advocacy display content.


  • Provide a description.

  • You can also add Twitter Cards, Custom Links, Content Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the post by clicking Insert icon.

  • Click the Emoji Picker icon from the Message box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it will be added to your message.

Add Media 
Click Photo to add an image from Favorites, Digital Asset Manager (SAM), URL, UGC (User Generated Content) or upload from your computer or click Video to add a video from Favorites, Social Asset Manager, User Generated Content (UGC) or from your computer.
Like | Comment | Share | Lock Content

Within the share options under the Message box, choose if members should be allowed to Like, Share, or Comment on the content within the network. Please note that Bookmarks are controlled via Admin Console. 

You can also enable Lock Content capability while sharing content on the Sprinklr Advocacy website. So, the advocates will not be able to edit the post on the website; only the read-only permission will be granted to them.

Content List

Select the Content-List from the drop-down menu. Content List determines which feed the content will be published to in the front end. 


Position refers to the order in which the content will be displayed within the feed. 

Expiry Date

Provide an Expiry Date. Your content will only appear on your site until this date. Please note, if the Expiry Date is left blank, the content will remain live until manually removed. 

Gamification Points Multiple

Enter the Gamification Points Multiple number.

Add Targeting to this post
Click Add Targeting to select a target audience for the post. You can select from a saved audience or create a new audience for targeting.
Upload Content

Enter a title for your Advocacy uploaded content.


  • Provide a description.

  • You can also add Twitter Cards, Custom Links, Content Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the post by clicking Insert icon.

  • Click the Emoji Picker icon from the Message box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it will be added to your message

Content List

Select the content-list from the drop-down menu. Content List determines which feed the content will be published to in the front end. 


Position refers to the order in which the content will be displayed within the feed. 

Expiry Date

Provide an Expiry Date. Your content will only appear on your site until this date. Please note, if the Expiry Date is left blank, the content will remain live until manually removed. 


Enter a question for the thread.


Provide a description.


Select the topic from the drop-down menu.


Enter a title for your Advocacy announcement. 


Provide a description. 

Announcement Details 

Enter the details for your Advocacy announcement here. You can edit rich text like bold, italic, bullet, numbering, blockquote, insert/edit link, etc. 

Add Banner Image

Select this checkbox to add a banner image. You can add images from Favorites, SAM, Upload Image, Add from URL, Add from UGC, Dynamic Image, or Media Valet

Add Acceptance to Announcement 
Select this checkbox to add an acceptance text for your announcement. By default it will show the following text:
I have read the announcement and agree to take the steps mentioned above.
Make Announcement required 

Select this checkbox to make your announcement required. 

Button Label

Enter a label for your announcement button. This button will be used for users to acknowledge and dismiss the announcement. 

Expiry Date 

Provide an Expiry Date. Your announcement will only appear on your site until this date. 

Choose Display Announcement to Current Users to have the announcement appear only to users who are current users at the time you create and publish the announcement.
Choose Display Announcement to Current & Future Users to make the announcement available to current users and users who join your Advocacy site within the expiration time.
Add Targeting to this post

Click to add targeting in the post.

Best practices

As a best practice, please ensure the following:

  • With the share options under the Message box, allow users to like, share, or comment on the content within the network for maximum reach.

  • Write a caption for the post to engage advocates.