Setup Content Expiration Date in Advocacy


In the Sprinklr Advocacy site, admins can enhance the relevance and timeliness of shared content by setting expiration dates in the post. 

Importance of Content Expiration Dates:   

  • By implementing post expiry, admins ensure that advocates are presented with timely and relevant content within the brand guidelines. ​ 

  • Setting expiry dates for the content guarantees that the advocates share only the most up-to-date and relevant content. 


While creating an advocacy post in the Sprinklr advocacy site, admins can either select never expires or give the post an expiry date found in content settings in the publisher. 

Admins can also edit an already published post and assign a specific expiry date.  

Note: By default, this field is not mandatory but if required, it can be configured to be a mandatory field in the Publisher.

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