How to Generate Headlines & Descriptions with AI+



In the dynamic world of content creation, staying ahead of the curve has never been more critical. Enter Sprinklr AI+, your trusted companion in the realm of content generation. Harnessing the power of cutting-edge artificial intelligence with ChatGPT to empower creators, marketers, and businesses alike to effortlessly generate high-quality, tailored content for a myriad of purposes. Whether you're looking to craft engaging articles, eye-catching ad copy, or personalized messages, Sprinklr AI+ is your virtual content partner, redefining the way you create and connect with your audience. Say hello to the future of content generation, where innovation meets imagination. 

Impact & Business Value 

The feature described, offers several valuable business insights and addresses various use cases for advertisers and content creators: 

  1. Efficient Content Generation: 

    Use Case: Advertisers often need to create multiple versions of ad copy to A/B test and optimize their campaigns. This feature allows them to quickly generate various text and headline variations based on themes and keywords. 

    Business Insight: Streamlining content creation reduces the time and effort required to develop ad creatives, enabling advertisers to be more agile in their campaigns.  

  2. A/B Testing and Optimization: 

     Use Case: A critical aspect of advertising is split testing different ad variations to determine which performs best. Advertisers can easily create numerous versions and test them simultaneously.  

    Business Insight: By optimizing ad copy through A/B testing, businesses can improve click-through rates, conversion rates, and ultimately their return on investment (ROI). 

  3. Targeted Messaging (Tone & Audience):  

    Use Case: Advertisers can tailor their ad copy to specific demographics, geographies, or customer segments by generating variations that speak directly to each group. 

    Business Insight: This enables businesses to create highly targeted ad campaigns that resonate with their audience, leading to improved engagement and conversion rates. 

  4. Keyword Optimization:  

    Use Case: Content writers can ensure their ad copy includes essential keywords,hashtags for search engine optimization (SEO) or paid search advertising. 

    Business Insight: Optimizing ad copy for keywords improves the chances of ads appearing in relevant search results, increasing visibility and attracting more qualified leads. 

  5. Content Personalization: 

    Use Case: Content creators can customize ad copy for different customer personas or stages of the buyer's journey. 

    Business Insight: Personalized content enhances customer engagement and loyalty by delivering messages that resonate with individuals at different points in the sales funnel. 

  6. Content Diversity: 

    Use Case: Advertisers can avoid ad fatigue by regularly refreshing ad creatives with new variations, keeping their audience engaged. 

    Business Insight: Maintaining diverse ad content helps prevent ad burnout and maintains the interest of the target audience, leading to longer-term customer relationships. 

  7. Content Consistency: 

    Use Case: Advertisers and content writers can ensure consistent messaging and branding across multiple ad campaigns and platforms. 

    Business Insight: Consistency in messaging helps build brand recognition and trust with customers, which is essential for long-term brand success. 

  8. Reduced Dependency on Copywriters:  

    Use Case: Small businesses or startups with limited resources can use this feature to generate ad copy without the need for dedicated copywriters. 

    Business Insight: Cost-effective content generation allows businesses to allocate resources more efficiently and compete effectively in the advertising space. 

  9. Content Scaling: 

    Use Case: Businesses looking to expand their advertising efforts can quickly scale their content creation by generating multiple variations for different products or services. 

    Business Insight: Scalable content creation enables companies to reach broader audiences and capitalize on new market opportunities. 


Creative Library/ Ads Composer 

1. From the launch pad, click on Creative Library or Ads Composer under Sprinklr Marketing – Advertising

2. In the upper right corner, click on “+Create Asset”, and select “Ad Creative” from the drop-down menu when in Ads Creative Library. When in Ads Composer, select your desired Ad account and go to Creatives section and click on "+Add New Creative" to open the creative builder screen.


3. Fill in the required details such as Channel, Objective, Ad account, Post Type. 

4. You will be able to spot the Sprinklr AI+ button in the Headline/Description or similar fields of the selected channel. 

5. Follow the instructional prompts and fill in your own brief descriptions and hit “Next”. So that Sprinklr AI+ can start generating content for you. 

Note: The flow comprises of selecting Tone & providing description of Audience as well which is explained in this article. 

6. Sprinklr AI+ will provide you 5 variations to choose from. You can toggle between the various responses and click on “Insert” to enter highlighted prompt into the field. 

Note: Insert button acts like append button, if you sequentially click on “Insert” while toggling between each response. It will append all the values immediately after one another. If you wish to replace the any prompt, simply click on the drop-down below Insert and click on “Replace”.

7. Once finalised your desired response, view the same on the preview screen of how your Ad is going to be presented to the users.




Limitations & Best Practices 

It's important to consider the limitations of using Sprinklr AI+ feature to have a balanced understanding of its capabilities: 


1. Quality Control: 

 While ChatGPT can generate content, it may not always produce high-quality or contextually accurate variations. Human review and editing may be necessary to ensure the generated content aligns with the brand's voice and intent.  

2. Creative Limitations: 

ChatGPT's content generation capabilities are based on existing data and patterns, which means it may struggle with highly creative or novel ideas. It might not be suitable for industries that require entirely unique and innovative ad concepts. 


3. Lack of Strategic Input: 

While ChatGPT can generate content based on themes and keywords, it may not possess the strategic insights that human marketers can bring to the table. Businesses should still rely on human experts to define campaign objectives and target audience personas. 


4. Language and Cultural Nuances: 

ChatGPT's understanding of language and cultural nuances may be limited. It may not always be sensitive to cultural differences, leading to potential misunderstandings or offense in global marketing efforts. 


5. Content Duplication: 

Mass content generation using automation can lead to duplicated or similar ad variations, which may not be ideal for diverse and dynamic advertising strategies.  

6. Privacy Concerns: 

If the input data for content generation contains sensitive customer information or proprietary data, using an AI model like ChatGPT raises potential privacy and security concerns. It's crucial to handle data responsibly.  

7. Learning Curve: 

Implementing AI-powered content generation may require training and adaptation for marketing teams, which could result in a learning curve and initial challenges. 


Key Takeaways  

"Content Generation" feature offers a versatile solution for content creators and advertisers, helping them optimize their ad campaigns, improve targeting, and ultimately drive better business results. It simplifies content creation processes, enhances ad effectiveness, and contributes to overall marketing success. 

Businesses should carefully assess these limitations and weigh them against the benefits when implementing AI-driven content generation features, ensuring that they use them judiciously as part of a broader advertising strategy. Human oversight and creativity remain critical for achieving the best results.