Conversational AI - Admin Panel



Configure various settings for your conversation AI application.

Timeout Settings

The timeout happens when a user does not respond for a specified duration. Using Timeout Settings, you can handle the scenarios by reminding them that you are expecting a reply or take some specific actions. For more information, see Global Timeout Settings.

Fallback Settings

A global fallback setting is important in such cases when the user's response does not match any of the expected answers and there is no local fallback set. With a fallback, the bot can provide a default response or ask the user to rephrase their answer. For more information, see Global Fallback Settings.

Voice Bot

Configure settings for a Voice Bot application.

Global Repeat Intent - Add intent, and if the bot detects this intent, it'll repeat its previous prompt.

TTS Fallback IVR - Select the workflow to trigger in case of text-to-speech engine downtime/failures.

Speech Profile - Select the speech profile for your voicebot.

Barge-in Functionality - You have the flexibility to determine whether user responses should be allowed while a voice prompt is playing. Additionally, you can specify the minimum percentage of completion for the bot reply before user responses are accepted. Furthermore, you can set a minimum time duration for the bot reply, after which user responses will be permitted. In all these cases, the system will consider the maximum value specified.

Note that if a bot reply node has a local barge-in set up, it will take priority over the global barge-in settings.

Trigger Application without Rule Setup

Choose the Live Chat application on which you want to activate this bot. No rule configuration is needed for this setup.

Global Hold Settings

This feature enhances your voicebot's capabilities by allowing it to respond intelligently when a user expresses the intent to put the conversation on hold. When the voicebot detects the "hold" intent, it will provide a reassuring message to the user and remain on hold for a predetermined amount of time, providing the user with the opportunity to gather the required information or handle other tasks.

To set up this feature, choose the intent you wish to configure as the hold intent, specify the duration for which the system should wait for a user reply, and define the voice bot reply to be sent when a hold intent is detected.

Additional Settings

AI Version - The AI version will enable you to select the GPT version for all AI-related features, such as dynamic workflow and the zero-shot model.

Prioritize Context Switching over local configuration - Activate this option to prioritize context switching over local fallback options within any dialogue tree.

Enable Simplified Context Switching - Turn on this feature to seamlessly switch between different dialogue trees when a new issue type is detected. For more information, see Simplified Context Switching.

Enable Reporting & Conversation - Activating this feature provides quick access to metrics on the home page and allows users to review previous cases within the conversation pane.

Enable Beta Nodes - Enabling this feature grants access to advanced beta nodes, unlocking additional functionalities tailored for specialized use cases.

Enable Typing Indicator - When this feature is enabled, the bot will display a typing indicator. This indicator informs users that the bot is actively generating a response.