How to Configure Conversational Survey in a Dialogue Tree


Configure the Conversational Survey Node in a dialogue tree using the following steps:

Click the Addition icon  on the dialogue tree and select Start Conversational Survey.
To Configure a Conversational Survey

On the Start Conversational Survey pop-up window, Name the action and select the desired Survey from the dropdown. The list contains all the surveys created under the Omnichannel Surveys section of Sprinklr Service.

Once a survey is selected, all survey questions will automatically pop up. Select the language and as per the use case, enter the text that needs to be appended after the original survey question. This is used to adapt the various visual ways of capturing customer feedback into textual format.

Options in “single select” type survey questions are displayed to the end-user with some order numberings. So customers can either reply with that option or its corresponding number, both will be taken into consideration.
Example: A survey question with 3 options in textual format would be:
“Survey Question verbiage
1. Option A
2. Option B
3. Option C”

Points to Note

Handling the start conversational survey node in the rules: remember that the survey node will keep sending bot application state as “Waiting for response” till the customer responds to the last question of that survey

Fallback to a survey question will not be stored as a response.
For example, the expected response for an NPS question would be (0-10) but if the customer writes anything other than (0,1,2….10) then the survey response will not get stored and the bot will move forward to the next survey question.