How to trigger Conversational Survey using Bots



The standard rules for surveys are set up to initiate Inline Surveys or link based surveys directly. Typically, this involves redirecting the customer to another channel to complete the survey. However, certain brands opt to keep the survey within the same channel. To achieve this, we utilize a Conversational Survey approach, which involves configuring a bot triggered by specific rules to conduct the survey within the same channel and conversation.

Steps to trigger Conversational Survey using Bots

  1. Configure the Survey rule in your environment.

  2. In the Survey Delivery - [Private] rule, after checking the language CF configure the below action instead of trigger survey action.

3. Make sure the Scheduler Engine Queue is set at message level and applies the bot rule that we use to call

Conversational AI application where the bot is configured.

4. Now in the Conversational AI application, configure the Conversational Survey node in a dialogue tree.

5. Ensure that the dialogue tree used for the survey is deployed in the deployment settings before moving


Following these steps will initiate the Conversational Survey, where the survey questions will be triggered sequentially, maintaining the conversation within the same channel and case.