How to Create an Ads Custom Metric


In this article we will cover on the steps to create a custom metric and the descriptions about the various fields.

To Create a Custom Metric

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Reporting within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Reporting Home, click the Options icon Hyperspace_Horizontal_Options.png in the top-right corner and select Custom Metrics.

    If you are on a Reporting Dashboard, click the Options icon Hyperspace_Horizontal_Options.png in the top-right corner and scroll down to Settings. Hover over Settings and select Custom Metrics.

  3. In the top-right corner of the Custom Metrics window, click Add Custom Metric.

  4. On the Custom Metrics pop-up window, enter the Custom Metric details, and click Create in the bottom right corner. To know about the fields please refer to the field descriptions given below.


  • Once the metric is built, you will have to refresh any reporting pages you have open for the metric to become available for use in reports or other custom metrics.

Custom Metrics — Field Descriptions


Enter a name for the metric.


Enter a description of the metric that you want to create.


A description will be automatically filled based on the formula used in the custom metric, if the description column is empty.

Data Source

Select the data which you want to pull in.

Metric Formula

Select the metric(s) from the list. You can select a numeric operator from the list and add another metric.

  • You can create a custom metric from an existing custom metric. For example, if you have created a metric named Average reach per post, where the metric is Post Reach/Volume of Published Messages, you can create another custom metric with Average reach per post as one of the metrics in the metric field.

  • You can select the Ad Set Bid Amount Metric while creating Custom Metrics. This metric will allow you to calculate your suggested ad set bid amount and fully enable your media model within Sprinklr.

Metric Type

Select the desired metric type. The metric type is the unit in which the data count gets reflected. You may select from the following metric types:

  • Numeric: Data is returned in numeric form.

  • Percentage: Data is returned in percentage (%).

  • Currency: Data is returned in currency.

  • Date Time: Data is reflected in the format of date and time.

  • Time Difference: Data is reflected in the format of time difference.


Add dimensions, filter type, and select values.

Color Coding

Define the desired value ranges and associated colors. These will be reflected in Table and Cross-Tab (Listening) widgets where the metric is used.


Standard Dashboard

The metrics that are fetched to the dashboard correspond to their published date and provide the total number of the metrics received from the date published to the present date.

Custom Dashboard

You can view the trend in certain metrics from the custom dashboard and group the metrics according to specific dates to understand the trend.