How to Create and Edit Dynamic Image Templates


Combine graphics and texts to create beautiful and user-friendly creatives for your campaigns. 

Dynamic Image Template is an effective tool when it comes to creating personalized ads at scale. This tool gives you a platform where you can easily combine various graphics layers and dynamic information from a product feed or catalog. You can use this tool to incorporate desired changes in the product images in one or more product feeds, for example, rating, price, availability of the product, etc., without the need for editing and uploading product feed sheets over and over again. 

Dynamic Image Template offers a way to efficiently change the way product images are displayed in your feed-based campaigns and use it across multiple products with a few clicks.


  • You can upload Custom Fonts while creating Dynamic Image Templates within Assets and use them in Product Catalogs. Note that only OTF and TTF file formats can be uploaded.  

  • To add a custom font, simply click Add Asset in the top-right corner of the Creative Library window and upload your file. Do not use Font Family in the Create Asset menu to upload your font. 

To create a Dynamic Image Template 

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Advertising tab within Social Advertising, click Creative Library under Campaign Strategy 

2. Click Create Asset in the top right corner of the Asset Management window and select Dynamic Image Template from the drop-down menu. For more .information on template properties, refer to the Dynamic Image Template Properties


3. On the Create Dynamic Image Template window, click the Canvas tab to adjust the canvas size depending on your social media account. Use the zoom in/out and 'Fit to Canvas' option in the bottom right to navigate and adjust image details. For a sample preview of how your template can look appealing, see Sample Dynamic Image Templates.  


  • Multiple canvases can now be created in a single DIT 

  • This will help you prepare multiple DITs under a single DIT, highly useful if you want to make any similar Ad, through this you will be able to compare them side by side and also chose through which Canvas you want to make ads 

  • When you click on a new tab under the DIT editor, a similar template created in the earlier slide is replicated without having to edit all from the beginning saving you a lot of time and it helps in comparing different creatives at one place 


4. Image Layers: You can add the following types of image elements: 


  1. Add Image - This allows you to add any static image from the media valet. You can use this to add static elements like brand logos, frames, image backgrounds, image banners, and stickers. 

  2. Add Dynamic Image - A dynamic image is an image placeholder that will allow the user to add the image while using the template. 

  3. Add Dynamic Text to Image - This allows you to apply different images/shapes to your templates based on dynamic text input. You can also hide and unhide layers or panels in the DIT from the Layers tab.


  • All file types that can be uploaded on DAM, i.e. JPEG, JPG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, and PNG are supported for Dynamic Image Templates. 

  • As a best practice, you should keep the Dynamic Image placeholder aspect ratio close to the aspect ratio of the images in your feed.  

  • Enable the Maintain Proportion option to maintain a fixed aspect ratio on resizing the dynamic images in your template. Note that this is only available for dynamic images. 

  • GIFs won't animate if you are overlaying them on static images

Text formatting with new editor:

5. Text Layers: Click the Add Text tab to add text to your template using the options below. The text can have a different font, color, decoration, alignment, and size. 

  • Add Static Text - This allows you to add static text that does not change. Click on the text box placed on the canvas. This will open a text editor in widget section. Enter desired text here, we have introdued some new capabilities named character level formatting wherein you can custom format each and every letter of the text.

  • Add Dynamic Text - In dynamic text layers you can create different placeholders which can be modified / changed while application. These placeholders can be replaced with some other text values while application. You can type "{{}}" in the dynamic text box to add an placeholder and the value you will input in the double brackets will define the placeholder name. Once a placeholder is added an input box will be generated in the Preview section where you will be able to input any custom input and test the dynamic text/ placeholder.

Character Level Formatting: 

  • We have introdued some new capabilities named character level formatting wherein you can custom format each and every letter of the text.

  • Similar to static text you can leverage character level formatting in Dynamic texts also and character level formatting can only be done to the entire placeholder in this case. To do it select the entire placeholder and then do the formatting

  • If you use any elements in your Dynamic Image Template preview, the preview elements will be saved as the template thumbnail in the Asset Manager view or the thumbnail during the selection of templates.

Release Note:

Color of underline will change according to the color of text, however this won't happen in case of gradient colors and in this case underline would by default have black color.

6. Click the Add Shapes tab if you want to add shape to your template.

  • Adjust the size, color, positon, border of the shape from widget window.

  • Move the dynamic color toggle on if you want to color of shape to change with the feed

Note: Use hex color code in feed for dynamic colors.




  • If you use any elements in your Dynamic Image Template preview, the preview elements will be saved as the template thumbnail in the Asset Manager view or the thumbnail during the selection of templates.

  • You can now simply copy and paste your shpae and text elements within a template to save time on styling similar elements multiple times


7. On the Save Template pop-up window, enter a name for the template in the Template Name field on the left pane. On the right pane, you will have a summary of all the configurations for the template. Click Save in the bottom-right corner. 


To edit a Dynamic Image Template 

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Creative Library within Campaign Creation 

2. On the Asset Management window, hover over the desired Dynamic Image Template Options icon and select Edit Dynamic Image Template


Apply a filter to load all your Dynamic Image Templates in the current Asset Manager view. To learn more, see Apply Filters in Asset Manager. Ensure that you are in the All Assets tab to apply the Image Template filter or chose My Uploads option in the filter. 


3. On the Create Dynamic Image Template window, make the desired changes and click Save in the bottom right corner.  
If the template you are editing has already been used on a Product Feed, you will get a warning message after saving the template. Once saved, the edited template will automatically be applied to the designated product feed. 

While trying to align the Images or Text Boxes in the canvas you can grab the element and move it to see how it aligns with the other Image/Text elements in the canvas by the lines showing up automatically on the canvas to match the alignment 


Dynamic Image Template properties 







Enter the height and width of the canvas.  


Choose between Portrait and Landscape orientations. 

Aspect Ratio 

Choose the required aspect ratio from the given options.  

Add Image 

Add Image 


Enter the X and Y coordinates to align the image with respect to the canvas.  


Enter the height and width of the image. 


Select or enter the desired percentage of opacity to change the transparency of the image.  


Enter a value to rotate the image in a Clockwise or Anticlockwise direction (or) use the rotation guiding lines around the image to rotate the image in the desired direction.


Select an image crop settingd from the following: 

  • FIT: Which is current setting without cropping. 

  • FILL: Crop Image to fill entire placeholder.  

  • AI Based Crop: This will select the most interesting part of your image and place it in the given image placeholder. Use this to smartly create Aspect Ratio Image Variations.

  • AI Based Centering: This will trim the object out of the product image and place in the centre. Use it to smartly remove the extra white space in your product images. This will only work well for images having white/transparent.



Add Dynamic Image 


Enter the X and Y coordinates to align the image with respect to the canvas.  


Enter the height and width of the image. 

Maintain Proportion 

If this check box is clicked, on changing any one dimension, the other will automatically adjust to maintain a fixed ratio. 


Select or enter the desired percentage of opacity to change the transparency of the image.  


Enter a value to rotate the image in a Clockwise or Anticlockwise direction (or) use the rotation guiding lines around the image to rotate the image in the desired direction.



Select an image crop settingd from the following: 

  • FIT: Which is current setting without cropping. 

  • FILL: Crop Image to fill entire placeholder.  

  • AI Based Crop: This will select the most interesting part of your image and place it in the given image placeholder. Use this to smartly create Aspect Ratio Image Variations 

  • AI Based Centering: This will trim the object out of the product image and place in the centre. Use it to smartly remove the extra white space in your product images. This will only work well for images having white/transparent 



Enter the X and Y coordinates to align the image with respect to the canvas.  


Enter the height and width of the image. 

Maintain Proportion 

If this check box is clicked, on changing any one dimension, the other will automatically adjust to maintain a fixed ratio. 


Select or enter the desired percentage of opacity to change the transparency of the image.  


Enter a value to rotate the image in a Clockwise or Anticlockwise direction.  


Based on the logic in the script, an image will be pulled. Please contact your PS or SM to get the script.  

Add Text/ Dynamic Text 

Add Text/ Dynamic Text 


Enter the X and Y coordinates to align the textbox with respect to the canvas.  


Choose the Font Style and Size. 


Choose a Text Color, Alignment, Decoration, Transformation 

Letter Spacing 

Choose the spacing between letters of words in the text. 

Line Spacing 

Choose the spacing between multiple lines of text text. 

Vertical Alignment  

Choose if your text will be closer to the upper or lower border of the textbox. 


Select or enter the desired percentage of opacity to change the transparency of the text.  


Enter a value to rotate the textbox in a Clockwise or Anticlockwise direction.  

Add Placeholder 

Using a Placeholder Text,you will be able to add Static Text in the Dynamic Text Box, it is written as {{Text}} in the Dynamic Text Box   


Colour (Gradient & Solid) 





















Dynamic Colour Feature 

You will be able to select between both the color types in the color picker, you can set a solid color or set gradient color using the new color picker. Under option of gradient fill and its necessary tools in the color picker. 
1)For Linear: 0° to 360° (Option to fill the Angle at which we want our two colors to merge) 


2)For Radial: “Inside” or “Outside” (Will decide which color will remain outside and vice versa) 



  • If while creating the template if you have kept the Dynamic Color toggle button “OFF” 


  • The Gradient color set while creating the template will be followed 


  • If while creating the template if you have kept the Dynamic Color toggle button  “ON” 


  1. Single Image Creation in Asset Manager / Media Uploader: User will be able to select between both the color types, user can set a solid color or set gradient color using the new color picker.

  2. Bulk Creation of Images / DIT Application on Automated feeds, DCO Feeds: you can either 


  • Set a static color/Gradient and can select between both the color types, user can set a solid color or set gradient color using the new color picker 


  •  Map to Feed: In this case, only a solid color can be mapped to any feed column, Gradients can’t be used, and user will only be able to map the solid color to the color code present in the feed

Add Shapes 

Add Shapes 


Enter the X and Y coordinates to align the shape with respect to the canvas.  


Enter the height and width of the image. 


Choose a color for your shape.  


Choose a Border Color and Width. 

If you choose the Rectangle Shape, then you can also define a Border Radius to curve the edges of the rectangle.  


Select or enter the desired percentage of opacity to change the transparency of the shape.  


Enter a value to rotate the shape in a Clockwise or Anticlockwise direction.  



You can create a shadow to the Shape added, there are 2 options available Simple Shadow and 3D Shadow 


Gradient Colour 

 You will have the option of gradient fill and its necessary tools in the color picker. 
1)For Linear: 0° to 360° (Option to fill the Angle at which we want our two colors to merge) 


2)For Radial: “Inside” or “Outside” (Will decide which color will remain outside and vice versa) 





Preview Tab 

You can also add mock images and text under the Mock Dynamic Element tab to check what your template will look like.  

If you use any elements in your Dynamic Image Template preview, the preview elements will be retained in the Asset Manager view or during the selection of templates. 


Other Properties 


If you add more than one element to the canvas, you can arrange those elements and choose what stays at the top and background by just simple dragging the layers containing the elements up or down 

Task bar  


  • This is the reset button which will reset the entire canvas  



  • These are the buttons used for Undo & Redo option 



  • This button is used to import your photoshop files directly into DIT(.psd format is supported) 



  • You can click this button and download the present canvas 


Dynamic Image Templates allow advertisers to have customized overlays over their creative which increases the relevance of the content, in turn driving higher revenue. It offers a way to efficiently change the way product images are displayed in your feed-based campaigns and use it across multiple products with a few clicks.

Below we have compiled a preview of some sample Dynamic Image Templates that are eye-catching and appealing. You can see how leveraging our Dynamic Image Template tool, you can drastically improve your Product Ad Images for your ad creatives.

Template Name

Flight Booking Ads

Dynamic Image Template Sample 1

Shoes Ads

Dynamic Image Template Sample 2

Travel Ads

Dynamic Image Template Sample 3


The new DIT editor , character level formatting and gradient colour these are not GA features currently, they are DP enabled features, please reach out to the support/success for enabling them