Create and Manage Knowledge Base Categories


Categories are a way to organize content into groups based on their shared characteristics or properties. They help to make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for by providing a structured and intuitive navigation system.

Categories can be created based on a variety of criteria, such as product or service type, issue type, teams or departments, geographic region, or content format. For example, if you are running an e-commerce website, you might have categories for different product types such as clothing, electronics, or home goods. Within each of these categories, you could create subcategories for more specific items like shoes, laptops, or furniture.

The level of detail you include in your category structure depends on your specific needs and the complexity of your content. Some organizations may only need a few broad categories, while others may require a more granular structure with many nested subcategories.

Every article in Sprinklr Knowledge Base is located within a Category.

Create Category

1. Click the New Tab icon on the launchpad. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, select Knowledge Base within Resolve.

2. On the Knowledge Base window, click Create Category in the top right corner.

3. On the Create Category window, enter the desired Category Name.

4. Select a Parent Category from the drop-down menu if you wish to create a sub-category. Leave the field blank if you want to create this category to be a parent category.

Provide an optional Description for your category, add an Image and Tag(s).

5. Under the Sharing Settings section, check the box alongside Visible in all workspaces to allow your category to be displayed in all the workspaces.

You can also select to display your category to specific workspaces and user/users groups from the Workspaces and Users/Users Groups drop-down menu respectively.

6. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your category.

To take actions on Categories/Sub Categories

Once you have created a category or sub-category, you can take many actions on it. Hover over to the Category/Sub Category that you have created and select the desired option. For more information, see Manage Category/Sub Category — Description.

Manage Category/Sub Category — Description






Select to make the changes in the configuration.


Move to Category

Select to move the category/subcategory to another category/subcategory.



Select to permanently delete the category/subcategory. You can not delete a category unless you delete the subcategories and articles inside it.


Bulk Publish Articles

For a folder mapped to community, make all the approved articles within it public at once.

Note: Only the approved articles/translations which are immediate children of the mapped folder (& not located within any of its subcategories) will be published.



Select to mark your category/subcategory as favorite or important.


Mapped to Category

View the community name/s the category is mapped to.