How to Create and Use Facebook Playable Ads


Playable Ads are interactive video ads that let users try out the core functionality of an app or game, like a free demo, before they choose to download it. This will allow mobile app advertisers to drive higher quality and higher-intent users to install their apps with a try-before-you-buy experience.

You can create Playable Ads Assets for your Facebook Campaigns within the Creative Library (DAM).

Things to Remember

  • Playable Ads are supported for the following placements — Facebook StoriesFacebook News FeedAudience Network InterstitialAudience Network Rewarded, Instagram Feed, and Instagram Stories (via Placement Asset Customization).

  • Playable Ads will run as Video Ads on Instagram. Only the Lead-in Videos will be shown for Instagram placements.

  • Dynamic Creatives are not supported for Playable Ads Assets.

  • Lead-in Videos are not shown for Audience Network placements.

To Upload Playable Ads Assets in Creative Library

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

  2. In the top right corner of the Asset Management window, click the Drop-down icon Hyperspace_Add_Asset_Dropdown.png alongside Add Asset and select Playable File.
    Creating Playable File

  3. On the Create New Asset window, provide a Playable Name, an Ad Account, and select the Mediafor your Playable Ad.


    Preview will not be generated for the Playable file.

    Selecting Playable File Information

  4. Under the Asset Sharing section, provide details of Workspace(s) and Users/Users Groups you wish to share the Playable Ad with.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save the changes.

To Add Playable Ads via Creative Library

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

  2. In the top right corner of the Asset Management window, click the Drop-down icon Hyperspace_Add_Asset_Dropdown.png alongside Add Asset and select Ad Creative.

  3. On the Create New Asset window, enter the Creative Name or Use a Naming Convention, select Facebook as the Channel along with the Ad Account and supported Objective for your new creative.


    Playable Ads are only supported for the following objectives — APP INSTALL, BRAND AWARENESS, REACH, TRAFFIC, CONVERSIONS, and VIDEO VIEWS.

    Filling in Details

  4. Select the Post Type for your creative. Playable Ads are only supported for Media post types. For more information, see Supported Objective — Post Type.

  5. Provide other details for your creative such as Web AnalyticsTextDestination, etc. as per your requirements.

  6. Scroll down to the Playable Ads field and select your desired Playable File from the drop-down menu. You can also add a new playable file by clicking Add a New File in the right corner of the field. You will have a preview of the Lead-in Video

    in the right Preview pane.


    The Playable Ads field will be disabled if you select an Image PostLanguage Asset Customization, or Location Asset Customization.

    Adding Playables at Creatives

  7. Fill in the other details and click Save in the bottom right corner.

To Compose Playable Ads via Ads Composer

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Facebook Ad account.

  3. In the Campaign Details section, choose the supported campaign Objective under Select Objective for your Campaign.


    Playable Ads are only supported for the following objectives — APP INSTALL, BRAND AWARENESS, REACH, TRAFFIC, CONVERSIONS, and VIDEO VIEWS.

    Adding Facebook Objective

  4. Provide the other necessary details and proceed to the Budget and Schedule section. For more information, see Compose Facebook and Instagram Ads.

  5. Provide the budget details and select the supported placements for Playable Ads under Enter the Placements details for all Ad Sets. Click Next.


    Playable Ads are supported for the following placements — Facebook StoriesFacebook News FeedAudience Network InterstitialAudience Network Rewarded, Instagram Feed, and Instagram Stories (via Placement Asset Customization).

  6. In the Creatives section, click Create new creative. You can also select from existing creatives by hovering over the Options iconSpace_Icon_Options (Horizontal).pngat the footer of the desired creative and selecting Use as Template.


    You can search for your existing creatives by entering the Post TextPost Id, or Permalink in the search bar.

  7. Select the Post Type for your creative. Playable Ads are only supported for Media post types. For more information, see Supported Objective — Post Type.

  8. Enter your Creative Name or Use a Naming Convention.

  9. Provide other details for your creative such as Web AnalyticsTextDestination, etc. as per your requirements.

  10. Under the Playable Ads option, select your desired Playable Ad from the drop-down menu. You can also add a new playable file by clicking Add a New File in the right corner of the field. You will have a preview of the Lead-in Video in the right Preview pane.


    The Playable Ads field will be disabled if you select an Image PostLanguage Asset Customization, or Location Asset Customization.

    Adding a Playable

  11. Once done, click Save in the bottom right corner and proceed to publish your campaign.

To Add Playable Ads via Ads Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, click the View and Edit icon Hyperspace View And Edit alongside the desired Facebook Ad.

  3. From the View and Edit pane to the right, scroll down to the Creatives section and click Edit within Post Details.

  4. Scroll down to the Playable Ads field and select your desired playable file from the drop-down. You can also add a new playable file by clicking Add a New File in the right corner of the field. For more information on the specifications, see Playable Ads Specifications.
    Adding Playable Ads

  5. From the bottom-right corner of the Ads Manager window, click Review Changes to review your changes.

  6. On the Review Changes window, click Apply Changes.

Playable Ads Specifications

These are the required ad specifications for creating a Playable Ads Asset:


Lead-in Video

Playable ads begin with a short video of your demo with an overlay of a game controller to indicate that your ad is playable.

  • File Type - MP4, MOV, or GIF

  • Ratio: 4:5

  • Video settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128 kbps+

  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

  • Video captions: Optional, but recommended

  • Video sound: Optional, but recommended. Note that the videos should not contain edit lists or special boxes in file containers.


  • Playable game should be HTML5 (the extension should be "HTML" or "htm").

  • The file size should be less than 2 MB.

Zip File

  • A Playable Ad in a Zip file format is currently supported on all placements on iOS and Android.

  • The total size of uploaded files should not exceed 5 MB.

  • The number of files inside the bundle should not exceed 100.

  • The size of the index.html file should not exceed 2 MB.

Supported Objective — Post Type


Post Type
App Install

Media Post (Video)

Brand Awareness

Media Post (Video)


Media Post (Video)


Media Post (Video) (Only supported for Website and App traffic)

Video Views

Media Post (Video)


Media Post (Video) (Only supported for Website and App conversions)


What are the supported Facebook Ad Objectives for Playable Ads?

The supported ad objectives for Playable ads are App Install, Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic, Video Views, and Conversions.

Is Placement Asset Customization (PAC) supported with Playable Ads?

Yes, you can use PAC with Playable Ads.

Can I use existing Ad Creatives with the same Post Id for Playable Ads?

No, you will need a different Post Id for the creative in order to use it with Playable Ads.

Can I use Dynamic Creatives with Playable Ads?

No, Dynamic Creatives are not supported with Playable Ads.