How to Create Lookalike Audiences


Creating a Lookalike Audience in Audience Manager helps you reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they are similar to your best existing customers. It increases the probability of generating high-quality leads and offers more value on ad spend.

To Create a Lookalike Audience

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Audience Manager within Plan.

2. On the Audience Manager window, click Create Audience in the top right corner and select Create Lookalike Audience.

3. On the Create Lookalike Audience window, select the channel from the following.

  • Snapchat

  • Pinterest

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • TikTok

4. Select an Ad Account for the channel from the drop-down.
Creating a Lookalike Audience

5. Provide an Audience Name or Use a Naming Convention and add an optional Description for your lookalike audience.

6. Based on your selection, fill in the details. Click to know more.

7. Select the custom fields as desired in the Custom Properties section.

8. Add Visibility and Permissions.

  • Visible in all workspaces - Check the box to make the lookalike audience visible in all the workspaces of your environment or select the particular Workspaces/Workspace Groups from the Workspace drop-down menu.

  • View Globally - Check the box to make the lookalike audience visible to all the users and user groups of your environment or select the particular Users/User Groups from the Users / Users Groups drop-down menu.

  • Edit Globally - Check the box to allow all the users and user groups of your environment to edit the lookalike audience or select the particular Users/User Groups from the Users / Users Groups drop-down menu.

9. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Snapchat Lookalike Audience — Field Description

Targeting Details
Audience Source

Provide a source for your lookalike audience.


Select a country from the drop-down to target.

Pinterest Lookalike Audience — Field Description

Targeting Details
Audience Source

Provide a source for your lookalike audience.


Select a country from the drop-down to target.

Select the number of lookalike audiences you want to create.
Audience size ranges from 1% to 20% of the combined population of your selected locations. A 1% lookalike consists of the people who are most similar to your lookalike source. Increasing the percentage creates a bigger, broader audience.

LinkedIn Lookalike Audience — Field Description

Targeting Details
Audience Source

Provide a source for your lookalike audience.


  • Once you have created the audience, it can take up to 48 hours (on a rare occasion, longer) for your lookalike audience to process and up to an additional 24 hours to start delivery.

  • You can include this audience in a campaign at any time and it will automatically start serving once ready.

  • Note that the source for the lookalike audience cannot be changed once it is sent for creation and is in the 'Building' state.

  • If you are excluding an audience, the audience must be fully processed for the exclusion to apply.

Facebook Lookalike Audience — Field Description

Targeting Details
Source Type
Select the source type of your audience from the following:
  • Custom Audience

  • Page

  • Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets

  • Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets source type uses the audiences from your previous or current paid initiatives or ad sets.

  • You cannot perform this directly on Facebook as it is only available via their API and not within the user interface.

  • You need campaigns or ad sets that have achieved at least 100 unique optimization goals to create a lookalike audience. The following campaign conversion types are eligible for Lookalike Audiences:

Audience Source

Provide a source for your lookalike audience.


Search for the location(s) you want to target.

Campaign (Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets)

Select campaign(s) to get your lookalike audience from.

Ad Set (Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets)

Select ad set(s) to get your lookalike audience from.

Country (Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets)

Select a country from the drop-down to target.

Get conversions from other countries (Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets)

Check the box so if there are not 100 conversions in the specified country, Facebook will find this minimum number of members in other countries.

Number of Lookalike Audiences
Select the number of lookalike audiences you want to create.
You can create multiple lookalikes with different levels of similarity to your source. This allows you to bid differently for audiences with different conversion values.
Use the slider to weigh Similarity or Reach as the optimization point for your Lookalike Audience.
Audience size ranges from 1% to 20% of the combined population of your selected locations. A 1% lookalike consists of the people who are most similar to your lookalike source. Increasing the percentage creates a bigger, broader audience.

TikTok Lookalike Audience — Field Description

Targeting Details
Audience Source

Provide a source for your lookalike audience.

Contain Source

You can select either Omit or Contain.

  • Omit source means your lookalike audience will not include the custom audience you are basing it off of. Your ads will be shown only to your lookalike audience and not to your custom audience.

  • Contain source means your lookalike audience will include the custom audience you are basing it off of. Your ads will be shown both to your lookalike audience and your custom audience


Select one of the system options, either All, Android, or iOS.

If you are trying to drive app installs, it is recommended to create different lookalike audiences for each operating system.


Select the placement. TikTok currently supports: TikTok, BuzzVideo, and Pangle.

It is recommended to select the same placement as the custom audience source you used for creating a lookalike audience.


Select the location where you'd like to find a similar group of people.

It is recommended to select the same location as the custom audience source you used for creating a lookalike audience.

Audience Size

Select either Narrow, Balanced, or Broad as the audience size.

The more narrow the audience size is, the more similar it is to your custom audience source.


​It takes about 24-48 hours for the Lookalike Audience to be created.