Unified Analytics Dimensions


Dimension Display Name



The calendar Date on which the activity occurred

Day of the week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Media Type

View your data by the type of media in your ad. Media can include image, video or both image and video

Outbound Post (Unified Analytics)

Displays the text and media of an Outbound Message sent from an Account.

Post Client Id (Unified Analytics)

The ID of the Sprinklr Client

Social Network

The name of the social network. This dimension can be used to segment a common metric across multiple social network (e.g.: Total Engagements) or can be used as a filter to limit a widget to display only one type of social network. For Case Reporting, this will list the social network of the first message associated to the case.

Publish Date (Unified Analytics)

Published date of your post

Ad Variant (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Ad Variant


The name of the social network Account

Ad Variant Client (Unified Analytics)


Paid Initiative (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Paid Initiative

Ad Set (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Ad Set

Ad Objective (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown by objective of your Ad

Assigned By User

The name of the user(s) that assigned the message(s) or case(s).

Ad Post (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Ad Post

Ad Accounts (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Ad Account through which ad is published

Post Campaign Id (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Campaign ID of post


Breakdown by Status of Ad

Volume of Published Messages (Unified Analytics)

The number of outbound messages that have been published.

Facebook Post Stream Shares (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The total number of shares of your adverts.

Post Type (Unified Analytics)

Type of post

Account Type (Unified Analytics)


Ad Audience Id (Unified Analytics)

The unique ID of the Audience the ad is targeted to.

Ad Audience Name (Unified Analytics)

The unique name of the Audience the ad is targeted to.

Ad Post Body (Unified Analytics)

The ID of the body asset involved in impression, click, or action.

Ad Post Title (Unified Analytics)

The ID of the title asset involved in impression, click or action.

Ad Set Created Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Ad Set was created

Ad Set Created Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date and Time when Ad Set was created

Ad Set End Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Ad Set was ended

Ad Set End Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date and Time when Ad Set was ended

Ad Set Publish Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Ad Set was published

Ad Set Publish Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date and Time when Ad Set was published

Ad Set Start Date (Unified Analytics)

The start date of your Ad Set

Ad Set Start Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

The start date and time of your Ad Set

Ad Set Tags (Unified Analytics)

Tags used for Ad Set

Ad Variant Active Channel Id (Unified Analytics)

Ad Variant Channel ID

Ad Variant Campaign (Unified Analytics)

Campaign of your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Created Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Ad Variant was created

Ad Variant Created Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date and Time when Ad Variant was created

Ad Variant Creative Type (Unified Analytics)

Creative type used in Ad variant

Ad Variant Custom Conversion Id (Unified Analytics)

Custom conversion ID of Ad Variant

Ad Variant End Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Ad Variant was ended

Ad Variant End Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date and Time when Ad Variant was ended

Ad Variant Name (Unified Analytics)

The unique name of your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Publish Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Ad Variant was published

Ad Variant Publish Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date and Time when Ad Variant was published

Ad Variant Social Networks (Unified Analytics)

his dimension can be used to segment a common metric across multiple social network (e.g.: Total Engagements) or can be used as a filter to limit a widget to display only one type of social network.

Ad Variant Start Date (Unified Analytics)

The start date of your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Start Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

The start date and time of your Ad Variant

Message Tags


Ad Variant Target Country (Unified Analytics)

The name of the Country where a post is targeted.

Ad Variant Target Criteria (Unified Analytics)

The Gender the post was targeted to.

Ad Variant Target Gender (Unified Analytics)

The Criteria the post was targeted to.

Ad Variant Target Interests (Unified Analytics)

This denotes the target interests of user to which post is targeted.

Ad Variant Target Keywords (Unified Analytics)

The Keyword the post was targeted to.

Ad Variant Target Language (Unified Analytics)

This denotes the language of user to which post is targeted.

Ad Variant Target Platform (Unified Analytics)

The Platform the post was targeted to.

Ad Variant Target PlatformVersion (Unified Analytics)

The Platform Version the post was targeted to.

Bid Type (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Bid Type

Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of clicks on your ad

Content Theme (Unified Analytics)


Content Theme Phrases (Unified Analytics)


Content Tone (Unified Analytics)


Content Tone Phrases (Unified Analytics)


Customer Journey Stage (Unified Analytics)


Customer Persona (Unified Analytics)


Data Type (Unified Analytics)


Outbound Post Id (Unified Analytics)

Displays the ID number associated to the outbound published message.

Paid Initiative Created Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Paid Initaitive was created

Paid Initiative Created Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date & Time when Paid Initaitive was created

Paid Initiative End Date (Unified Analytics)

Date when Paid Initaitive was ended

Paid Initiative End Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Date & Time when Paid Initaitive was ended

Paid Initiative Publish Date (Unified Analytics)

Publish date of your paid initiative

Paid Initiative Publish Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Publish date and time of your paid initiative

Paid Initiative Start Date (Unified Analytics)

Start date of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Start Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

Start date and time of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Tags (Unified Analytics)

Tags associated to your paid initiative

Post Audience Id (Unified Analytics)

Unique ID of Audience of your post

Post Audience name (Unified Analytics)

Name of audience of your post

Post Status Id (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Status Id

Post Target Country (Unified Analytics)

Target country of your Post

Post Target Locale (Unified Analytics)

Target locale of your Post

Post Target Region (Unified Analytics)

Target Region of your Post

Publish Date (Date Time) (Unified Analytics)

The exact date and time on which the post was published.


Title asset involved in impression, click or action.

Facebook Offline Conversion Complete Registration Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions

Facebook Offline Conversion Initiate Checkout (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Facebook Offline Conversion Initiate Checkout Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions

Facebook Offline Conversion Leads (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Facebook Offline Conversion Leads Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions

Facebook Offline Conversion Other (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of other events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Facebook Offline Conversion Other Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from other (offline conversion) conversions

Facebook Offline Conversion Purchase (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Facebook Offline Conversion Purchase Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions.

Facebook Offline Conversion Search (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Facebook Offline Conversion Search Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions.

Facebook Offline Conversion View Content (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Facebook Offline Conversion View Content Value (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value returned from view content (offline conversion) conversions

Facebook Page Likes (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total number of likes on your page based on audience interests.

Facebook Photo Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of views of your photos as a result of your ad

Facebook Post Consumption Other Clicks (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times people clicked anywhere in your posts without generating a story, by consumption type Other Click.

Facebook Post Consumption Photo Views (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times people clicked anywhere in your posts without generating a story, by consumption type Photo View.

Facebook Post Consumption Video Plays (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times people clicked on anywhere in your posts without generating a story, by consumption type Video Play.

Facebook Post Consumptions Unique (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the number of people who clicked anywhere in your post without generating a story.

Facebook Post Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times people have engaged with your posts through likes, comments and shares and more.

Facebook Post Negative FeedBack (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times people took a negative action in your post

Facebook Post Paid Impressions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

the number of impressions for your Page post in an Ad or Sponsored Story

Facebook Post Saves (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of unique accounts that have saved the media object, applicable only for business profiles.

Facebook Post Story Angry Reactions (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type Angry.

Facebook Post Story Haha Reactions (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type Haha.

Facebook Post Story Love Reactions (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type Love.

Facebook Post Story Sad Reactions (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type Sad.

Facebook Post Story Wow Reactions (Total)) (Unified Analytics)

The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type Wow.

Facebook Post Stream Comments (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of Comments on a Facebook post. This is a unique metric for Facebook that corresponds to "Post Comments."

Facebook Post Viral Reach (Total Viral) (Unified Analytics)

the number of people who saw your page post in a story from a friend

Facebook Reactions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of reactions on your ads.

Facebook Sad Reactions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of ‘sad’ reactions on your ads

Facebook Total Video Organic Views (Viewed for 95% or complete) (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length without any paid promotion.

Facebook Video Average Time Viewed (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the average length of time people spent viewing your video.

Facebook Video Clicked-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 3 seconds or more) (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times a video starts, after a person has clicked to play it, on a click-to-play video, and viewed it for 3 seconds or more.

Facebook Video Length (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the duration of your video

Facebook Video Organic Views (Viewed 95% to Video Length) (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video was organically viewed from the beginning to 95% of its length without any paid promotion.

Facebook Video Organic Views (Viewed it for 10 seconds or more) (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end without any paid promotion.

Facebook Video Paid Views (Viewed 95% to Video Length) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video was organically viewed from the beginning to 95% of its length

Facebook Video Paid Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video was viewed via paid impression for 3 seconds or more.

Facebook Video Paid Views (Viewed it for 10 seconds or more) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end

Facebook Video Plays to 25% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%

Facebook Video Plays to 50% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%

Facebook Video Plays to 75% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%

Facebook Video Total View Time (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The total number of milliseconds your video was watched, including replays and views less than 3 seconds. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Facebook Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more

Facebook Video Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more) (Total) (Unified Analytics)

the number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or more

Facebook Wow Reactions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of reactions by action type Wow.

Google Conversions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A conversion happens when someone clicks your ad and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or a call to your business from a mobile phone.

Google Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

When someone expands your Lightbox ad, it's counted in this column.

Google Video View Rate (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of views or engagements your video ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown (video and thumbnail impressions).

Google Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times people watched or engaged with your video. For TrueView video ads, the number of views also counts towards your public YouTube account.

Impressions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times people were shown your ad.

Instagram Business Post Engagement (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of likes, comments and saves on the media object, applicable only for business profiles.

Instagram Page (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown data by Instagram Page

Is Auto Imported (Unified Analytics)

Indicates that the Outbond Post was originally published natively on the channel and then auto-imported into Sprinklr.

Is Dark Post (Unified Analytics)

Indicates whether the Post was a Dark Post.

Is Deleted Post (Unified Analytics)

Indicates whether the Post was deleted from the social network

Is IG Reel (Unified Analytics)

This dimension indicates if the outbound post is a reel or not.

Is Post Part Of Album (Unified Analytics)

This dimension is used to determine if a photo post is part of an Album.

Is Post Part Of Multi Photo (Unified Analytics)

This dimension is used to determine if a photo post is part of an Multi Photo or not.

Is Promoted Twitter Handle (Unified Analytics)

Indicates whether the Tweet was a Dark Tweet

Is Sponsored Post (Unified Analytics)

Indicates whether a Post is sponsored or not. For Facebook If Facebook Post Impressions Paid is greater than zero, this will be True.

Is Targeted (Unified Analytics)

Indicates whether a post was targeted.

Key Objective (Unified Analytics)

Breakdown by Key Objective

LinkedIn Company Post Organic Likes (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This is the number of Like Reactions on a Linkedin Company page status post.

LinkedIn Landing Page Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page

LinkedIn Total Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The count of all user interactions with the ad unit.

LinkedIn Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

2 or more seconds of playback while the video is atleast 50% on screen, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first

Linkedin Follows (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The count of follows. Sponsored Updates only.

Linkedin Link Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored Messaging ad. Sponsored Messaging ads only.

Linkedin Other Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.

Message Type (Unified Analytics)

The specific type of message based on the social network.

Number Of Rows (Unified Analytics)

Number of Records Matching the Filters Applied.

On-Facebook Leads (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total value of the Leads generated on Facebook as a result of your ads

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed(Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The average percentage of your video that people viewed. This is the total video watch percentage for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played.

Pinterest App Installs (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of app installs

Pinterest App Installs Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest App Installs Engagement (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest App Installs Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Board Collaborators (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of collaborators on the shared Pinterest Board(s).

Pinterest Board Followers (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of followers of the Pinterest Board(s).

Pinterest Board Name (Unified Analytics)

The name of the Pinterest Board.

Pinterest Board Pins (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of pins on the Pinterest Board(s).

Pinterest Earned App Installs Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Earned App Installs Engagement (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Earned App Installs Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Earned Engagement (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Earned actions taken from saves of your Promoted pins including saves, closeups, clicks and swipes

Pinterest Earned Impressions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Earned impressions (from saves of your promoted pins)

Pinterest Earned MRC Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

All 2-sec continous views while 50% in view, including earned video views

Pinterest Earned Outbound Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total Earned Click actions on your pin that takes a Pinner to a destination off Pinterest

Pinterest Earned Pin Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of times pinner has tapped on your Earned Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest

Pinterest Earned Saves (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Earned saves (from saves of your promoted pins)

Pinterest Earned Video View Average Watch Time In Seconds (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Averaged across all videos that begin playback, includes seeks and loops. Start time triggered when video begins playback

Pinterest Earned Video Watches At 100 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 100% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Earned Video Watches At 25 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 25% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Earned Video Watches At 50 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 50% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Earned Video Watches At 75 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 75% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Earned Video Watches At 95 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 95% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Engagement (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of actions (paid and earned) taken on your pin including saves, closeups, clicks and swipes

Pinterest Outbound Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total Paid and Earned Click actions on your pin that takes a Pinner to a destination off Pinterest

Pinterest Paid App Installs Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of click done for the App

Pinterest Paid App Installs Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of app installs resulting from views of your ads, including earned.

Pinterest Paid Engagement (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of actions (paid and earned) taken on your pin including saves, closeups, clicks and swipes

Pinterest Paid Impressions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of paid impressions

Pinterest Paid MRC Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

All 2-sec continous views while 50% in view, including earned video views

Pinterest Paid Outbound Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total Earned Click actions on your pin that takes a Pinner to a destination off Pinterest

Pinterest Paid Pin Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of times pinner has tapped on your Earned Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest

Pinterest Paid Saves (Unified Analytics)

Paid saves of your promoted pins

Pinterest Paid Video View Average Watch Time In Seconds (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Averaged across all videos that begin playback, includes seeks and loops. Start time triggered when video begins playback

Pinterest Paid Video Watches At 100 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 100% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Paid Video Watches At 25 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 25% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Paid Video Watches At 50 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 50% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Paid Video Watches At 75 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 75% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Paid Video Watches At 95 Percent (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times a video reaches 95% of its length, includes skipping to this point

Pinterest Pin Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of times pinner has tapped on your Earned Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest

Pinterest Pin Comments (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

The number of comments on a Pinterest Pin.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Closeups (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Impressions (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Outbound Clicks (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Pin Clicks (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Video Views (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Video Watch Time in milliseconds(Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric has been deprecated by Pinterest. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available

Pinterest Pin Likes (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of times pinner has tapped on your Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest

Pinterest Pin Repins (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

The number of repins on a Pinterest Pin.

Pinterest Pin Saves (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This metric gives an aggregated count of repins.

Pinterest Saves (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total saves of your promoted pins

Pinterest Total Conversion (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of conversions for all event types using the Pinterest Tag integration after an ad interaction

Pinterest Total MRC Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

All 2-sec continous views while 50% in view, including earned video views

Snapchat Android Installs (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times your app was installed on android

Snapchat Attachment Quartile 1 (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of long form video views watched to 25%

Snapchat Attachment Quartile 2 (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of long form video views watched to 50%

Snapchat Attachment Quartile 3 (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of long form video views watched to 75%

Snapchat Attachment View Completion (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of long form video views watched to completion

Snapchat Avg Screen Time (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Average Top Snap view time across all impressions (any snap ad type)

Snapchat Avg View Time (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Average Top Snap view time per User Reached (any snap ad type).

Snapchat Ios Installs (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Number of times your app was installed on iOS

Snapchat Quartile 1 (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Video views to 25% (All Snap Ads)

Snapchat Quartile 2 (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Video views to 50% (All Snap Ads)

Snapchat Quartile 3 (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Video views to 75% (All Snap Ads)

Snapchat Saves (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your ad was saved to Memories or Camera Roll.

Snapchat Screen Time (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds)

Snapchat Shares (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your ad was shared, via Chat or Stories.

Snapchat Swipes (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your Ad was swiped up on or the CTA was tapped to view the attachment below

Snapchat Total Installs (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

No of times your app was installed

Snapchat Video Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap

Snapchat View Completion (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Video Views to completion

Snapchat View Time (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds)

Spent (AUD) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Australian Dollar

Spent (CAD) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Canadian Dollar

Spent (CHF) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Swiss Franc currency

Spent (CNY) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency

Spent (CZK) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna

Spent (DKK) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in danish krone currency

Spent (EUR) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Euro currency

Spent (GBP) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in British Pound currency

Spent (INR) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Indian Rupee currency

Spent (JPY) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Japanese Yen

Spent (NOK) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency

Spent (NZD) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The total amount you've spent so far in NewZealand Dollar

Spent (PLN) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Polish Zloty currency

Spent (RUB) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Russian Ruble currency

Spent (SEK) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Swedish Krona currency

Spent (TRY) (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total amount you've spent so far in Turkish Lira currency

Total Engagements (Unified Analytics)

Total number of likes including reactions, comments and shares across social networks.

Twitter App Install Attempts (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times an App Install event has occurred from the Tweet

Twitter App Opens (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times an App Open event has occurred from the Tweet.

Twitter Detail Expands (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the Tweet has been clicked to see more details.

Twitter Email Tweet (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the Tweet has been shared via email.

Twitter Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your post is shown to users, including earned for a particular account.

Twitter Hashtag Clicks (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times a hashtag in the Tweet has been clicked.

Twitter Media Clicks (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times media such as an image or video in the Tweet has been clicked.

Twitter Media Engagements (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This includes the number of clicks on your media across videos, vines, gifs and images.

Twitter Media Views (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

This includes all views (autoplay and click) of your media counted across videos, vines, gifs and images.

Twitter Organic Quote Tweets (Engagement) (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the Tweet was quoted (Retweet with comment).

Twitter Paid Detail Expands (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the Tweet has been clicked to see more details.

Twitter Permalink Clicks (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the permalink to the Tweet (the individual web page dedicated to this Tweet) has been clicked.

Twitter Post App Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The amount of App Clicks on your post. This is calculated as the sum of Installs Attempts, Open Attempts, Timeline URL Clicks, and Search URL Clicks.

Twitter Post Follows (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The amount of times a user followed you directly from the Tweet.

Twitter Post Likes (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of Likes the post received.

Twitter Post Likes (Total) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of Likes the post received.

Twitter Post Link Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The amount of clicks on a URL or Card in the Tweet divided by impressions.

Twitter Post Media Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of clicks of media across Videos, Vines, GIFs, and Images

Twitter Post Organic App Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The amount of App Clicks on your post. This is calculated as the sum of Installs Attempts, Open Attempts, Timeline URL Clicks, and Search URL Clicks.

Twitter Post Organic Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The amount of App Clicks on your post. This is calculated as the sum of Installs Attempts, Open Attempts, Timeline URL Clicks, and Search URL Clicks.

Twitter Post Organic Engagement Rate (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of engagements (clicks, retweets, replies, follows and likes) divided by the total number of impressions.

Twitter Post Organic Engagements (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of times a user has interacted with a Tweet. This includes all clicks anywhere on the Tweet (including hashtags, links, avatar, username, and Tweet expansion), retweets, replies, follows, and likes.

Twitter Post Organic Follows (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The amount of times a user followed you directly from the Tweet.

Twitter Post Organic Impressions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the Tweet has been viewed.

Twitter Post Organic Likes (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of items that your Twitter account has favorited.

Twitter Post Organic Replies (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of replies to your Twitter account.

Twitter Post Organic Retweets (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of retweets of your Twitter account.

Twitter Post Organic Url Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times a URL in the Tweet has been clicked.

Twitter Post Organic Video CTA Clicks (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total clicks on the call to action in the video player.

Twitter Post Organic Video Content Starts (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of people who started the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

Twitter Post Organic Video Total Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Video views only count when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when a user clicks to expand/unmute your video.

Twitter Post Organic Video Views 100% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 100% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Organic Video Views 25% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 25% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Organic Video Views 55% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 55% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Organic Video Views 75% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 75% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Replies (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of replies that your Twitter post has received.

Twitter Post Replies (Total) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of replies.

Twitter Post Retweets (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of retweets that your Twitter post has received.

Twitter Post Retweets (Total) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of retweets on a post.

Twitter Post Video 3s/100 Percent Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of video views based on a view of 100% in-view on a user's device and watched for at least 3 seconds.

Twitter Post Video Total Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of video views as a result of your post.

Twitter Post Video Views 100% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 100% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Video Views 25% (In-stream views for Pre-roll)(Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 25% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Video Views 50% (In-stream views for Pre-roll)(Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 50% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Post Video Views 75% (In-stream views for Pre-roll)(Paid) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 75% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Profile Clicks (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the User (Tweet author) has had their profile clicked from this Tweet.

Twitter Promoted Users Posts (Unified Analytics)


Twitter Total Engagements (Total) (Unified Analytics)

A count of the number of times a user has interacted with the Tweet. This value is provided by Twitter API and is not equal to sum of individual Twitter metrics.

Twitter Un-quote Tweets (Unified Analytics)

A quote of the Tweet was deleted.

Twitter User Follows (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times the User (Tweet author) has been followed from this Tweet.

Twitter Video Total Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of video views as a result of your post.

Twitter Video Viewed 100% (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 100% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Video Viewed 25% (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 25% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Video Viewed 50% (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 50% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Video Viewed 75% (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 75% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Video Viewed 95% (Organic) (Unified Analytics)

A count of how many times 95% of a video in the Tweet was viewed

Twitter Video Views (Insights) (Total) (Unified Analytics)

A video in the Tweet was viewed. This metric corresponds to Twitter's viewing standard of 100% of the video rendered and viewed for at least three seconds.

Twitter Video Views 100% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of videos viewed until 100% completion as a result of your post.

Twitter Video Views 15s (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of videos viewed until 15% completion as a result of your post.

Twitter Video Views 25% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of videos viewed until 25% completion as a result of your post.

Twitter Video Views 50% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of videos viewed until 50% completion as a result of your post.

Twitter Video Views 6s (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your video played for at least 6 seconds, or completely played. Replays will not be counted.

Twitter Video Views 75% (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

Total number of videos viewed until 75% completion as a result of your post.

Unified Campaign Id (Unified Analytics)

Unique ID of your unified campaign

Volume of Ad Posts (Unified Analytics)

Total number of ad posts

YouTube Paid Views (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times that a video was viewed.

Youtube Video Ad Impressions (Paid) (Unified Analytics)

The number of verified ad impressions served.

Youtube Video Average View Duration (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks.

Youtube Video Average View Percentage (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback.

Youtube Video Comments (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of comments on your youtube ad.

Youtube Video Dislikes (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating.

Youtube Video Estimated Minutes Watched (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, or video.

Youtube Video Likes (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating.

Youtube Video Shares (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times that users shared a video through the Share button.

Youtube Video Views (Total) (Unified Analytics)

The number of times your youtube ad has been viewed.