How to Create Saved Audiences


A Saved Audience can be used for specific channel targeting. You can create Saved Audiences in the Audience Manager to be used later in Ads for efficient, easy-to-use targeting.


  • Saved Audiences created on native will not be auto-imported to Sprinklr unless it is used in an Ad or Ad Set, valid for LinkedIn.

  • Saved Audiences created in Sprinklr will not show up on native unless the same is used in an Ad from Sprinklr.

To Create a Saved Audience

1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Audience Manager within Plan.

2. On the Audience Manager window, click Create Audience in the top right corner and select Create Saved Audience.

3. On the Create Saved Audience window, you can create the following type of audiences.

  • Paid (add link)

  • Organic (add link)

  • Gating (add link)

Creating a Saved Audience

1. Select the custom field as desired in the Custom Properties section.

2. Add Visibility and Permissions. They include the options to set the following:

  • Visible in all workspaces - Check the box to make the custom audience visible in all the workspaces of your environment or select the particular Workspaces / Workspace Groups from the Workspace drop-down menu.

  • View Globally - Check the box to make the custom audience visible to all the users and user groups of your environment or select the particular Users / User Groups from the Users / Users Groups drop-down menu.

  • Edit Globally - Check the box to allow all the users and user groups of your environment to edit the custom audience or select the particular Users / User Groups from the Users / Users Groups drop-down menu.

3. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Description of Paid Saved Audience fields

Audience Details
Select channel for audience creation

Select a channel from the drop-down.

Select an ad Account for the channel

Select a channel-specific ad account.

Audience Name

  • Enter a name - Enter a name for your audience.

  • Use a Naming Convention - Select from the drop-down.

Add Description

Provide an additional description.


Choose a channel-specific objective from the drop-down.


Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see Twitter Targeting — Field Description

Company Page

Select a LinkedIn company page from the drop-down.

Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see LinkedIn Targeting — Field Description


Select a Facebook page from the drop-down.

Special Ad Category

Select one category that best describes what the campaign will advertise that uses this audience. Note that on selecting a special ad category, certain targeting options will be restricted such as Age Range, Gender, etc.

Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see Facebook Targeting — Field Description


Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see Pinterest Targeting  — Field Description


Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see Snapchat Targeting — Field Description


Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see TikTok Targeting — Field Description


Targeting Details

Fill in the targeting details as desired. For more information, see Nextdoor Targeting — Field Description

Description of Organic Saved Audience fields


Audience Details

Select Channel for Audience Creation

Select a channel as desired from the drop-down list.

Audience Name

Provide a name for your audience.

Add Description

Add an optional description.

Targeting Details

Select Male or Female.


Select countries.


Select cities.


Select either English US or Locales.

Client Profile Lists

Select from the Client Profile List.

Partner Profile Lists

Select from the Partner Profile List.

Targeting Details

Search functions like accounting, finance, healthcare services, etc.

Company Size

Search according to the size of the company.


Browse according to geography.


Browse according to the industry.


Select according to seniority.


Select the language as desired.

Targeting Details
Min. Age

Select the minimum age of the audience you want to target.


Search and include audience interests.


Select the gender of the audience you want to target.


Provide your target location.

Relationship status

Target audiences based on their relationship status.

Interested in

Target audiences based on their sexual orientation.


Target audiences based on their language.

Educational Level

Select the education level of your target audience.

Google My Business
Select an Account for Channel

Select an account from the drop-down list.

Targeting Details

Add account circles.

Sina Weibo
Targeting Details

Select the gender of your target audience.


Enter a subscriber.


Select a group.

Client Profile Lists

Select from the Client Profile List.

Partner Profile Lists

Select from the Partner Profile List.

Description of Gating Saved Audience fields

Note: When you select Gating, you have just one channel option i.e. Facebook. However, in special scenarios, when DP is enabled, organic will have only one option whereas Gating will have multiple channel options, i.e., the role is reversed.

Audience Details

Select channel for audience creation

Select a channel from the drop-down.

Audience Name

Provide a name for your audience.

Audience Description

Add an optional description.

Targeting Details

Provide location.