How to Create & Update Special Ad Custom Audiences


Facebook allows you to categorize your campaigns into a Special Ad Category that best describes your ad. In Sprinklr, you can create a Special Ad Audience to reach new people specifically when your campaign is about Credit, Employment, or Housing.

A Special Ad Custom Audience is similar to a Lookalike Audience because it uses the similarities of people from online behavior within your source to form a new audience. However, the audience is adjusted to comply with the targeting restrictions associated with your campaign's chosen Special Ad Category. It will not use information such as age and gender, or certain demographics, behaviors, or interests.

To Create a Special Ad Custom Audience

1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Audience Manager within Plan.

2. On the Audience Manager window, click Create Audience in the top-right corner and select Create Special Ad Custom Audience.

Create a Special Ad Custom Audience from the Audience Manager

3. On the Create Special Ad Custom Audience window, select Facebook from the Select channel for audience creation drop-down.

4. Select an ad Account for the channel from the drop-down.

5. Provide an Audience Name or Use a Naming Convention and add an optional Description for your Special Ad audience.

6. In the Targeting Details section, select the targeting details. For more information, see Special Ad Audience — Field Description.

Enter the targeting details for Special Ad Custom Audience

7. Select the custom fields as desired within the Custom Properties section.

8. Add Visibility and Permissions.

  • Visible in all workspaces - Check the box to make the audience visible in all the workspaces of your environment or select the particular Workspaces/Workspace Groups from the Workspace drop-down menu.

  • View Globally - Check the box to make the audience visible to all the users and user groups of your environment or select the particular Users/User Groups from the Users / Users Groups drop-down menu.

  • Edit Globally - Check the box to allow all the users and user groups of your environment to edit the audience or select the particular Users/User Groups from the Users / Users Groups drop-down menu.

9. Click Save in the bottom right corner. You can now use this audience in the campaign creation workflow. For more information, see Compose Facebook And Instagram Ads.

To Update a Special Ad Custom Audience

You can also update your Special Ad Custom Audience from the Audience Manager. For more information on the available actions, see Actions in Audience Manager.

Descriptions of Special Ad Audience fields


Source Type

Select a source type for your special ad custom audience from the following:

  • Page

  • Custom Audience

Audience Source

Based on your source type, select a source for your special ad audience from the drop-down menu.

Select Countries and/or Regions from the drop-down menu to target.

Number of Special Ad Custom Audiences

Select the number of special ad custom audiences you want to create from the drop-down menu.

You can create multiple Special Ad Custom Audiences with different levels of similarity to your source. This allows you to bid differently for audiences with different conversion values.

Similarity - Reach Slider

Use the slider to weigh Similarity or Reach as the optimization point for your special ad custom audience.

Audience size ranges from 1% to 10% of the combined population of your selected locations. A 1% Special Ad Custom Audience consists of the people who are most similar to your source. Increasing the percentage creates a bigger, broader audience.