How to Create Web Analytics Using Facebook’s Dynamic Parameters


This article will cover the creation of web analytics using dynamic parameters offered by Facebook. This will only work for Facebook and no other channels. The dynamic URL parameters will allow you to track user behavior on Dynamic Ads after a user has clicked on the Ad URL from Facebook

For example, you can pull in the placement where a Dynamic Ad has appeared when a user clicked on it instead of fetching all the placements an ad is running on.

Create Web Analytics Using Dynamic Parameters

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Governance Console tab, click All Settings within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Platform Settings window, select Web Analytics from the list of options within the Manage Workspace section.

  3. In the top right corner of the Web Analytics window, click Add Analytics Profile.

  4. On the Create New Analytics Profile window, select Paid as the Module Type and Custom as the Analytics Profile Type.

  5. Set the Variables and Parameters for your Web Analytics Profile. For more information, see Create New Analytics Profile — Field Descriptions.

  6. Enter the Facebook Dynamic Parameters in the Parameters field.

  7. In the Variable(s) field, provide the dynamic variable(s) within curly braces. You can use the following URL dynamic parameters as per your web analytics use case:

    • {{}} - ad_id

    • {{}} - adset_id

    • {{}} - campaign_id

    • {{}} - ad_name

    • {{}} - adset_name

    • {{}} - campaign_name

    • {{placement}} - placement

    • {{site_source_name}} - site_source_name

For example, if you'd like to track the campaign name and source, you would input the following parameters:

  • Parameter - utm_campaign

  • Variable - {{}}

  • Parameter - utm_content

  • Variable - {{}}

Facebook Dynamic URL parameters in Web Analytics

8. Once you have set up the dynamic parameters and variables, click Save in the bottom right corner of the window.

To prevent any encoding for your Facebook dynamic URL parameters in the Web Analytics profile, please work with your Success Manager.