How to Create Volumatic Ads Benchmarks in Bulk


To Bulk Import Advertising Benchmarks

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Benchmarks within Analyze.

  2. Click the Import icon Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 3.05.09 PM.png in the top right corner of the Ads Benchmark window.
    Bulk Importing Benchmarks in Ads Benchmarking

  3. On the Import Benchmark pop-up window, if you are importing benchmarks for the first time, click Download sample Import File in the bottom-left corner to download the file and enter the required information.

    If you already have a properly formatted spreadsheet, then drag and drop the file from your system or click Upload to select the file.
    Downloading sample import file to enter the benchmarking details from the Import Benchmark window

  4. Click Import in the bottom right corner to complete the process.

Tip - You can also Export an existing Benchmark by removing the Benchmark ID and adjusting the information to create a new Benchmark.