Secure Screen


One option to enhance the security of a guided workflow is to include a secure screen that transmits data directly to a PCI-compliant server. By utilizing this secure screen, sensitive data such as credit card numbers and personal identification information can be sent directly to the PCI server, bypassing the Sprinklr platform altogether. This ensures that the data remains secure and is not stored on Sprinklr's servers, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Here are multiple types of components that can be added to a secure screen:

Display Components

Description Text: Description text can be used to simply show a text output on a screen. The font, size, and alignment of this text can be customized or links can be added to the text. You can also include a resource by inserting relevant placeholders

Banner: For the banner component, add title, sub title, and select the appropriate banner template from Error, Warning, Success, Reminder, and Disclosure. In the title and subtitle, you can also add Groovy to include the case number (${UNIVERSAL_CASE.CASE_NUMBER}), profile ID, etc.

Layouts: Layouts component to add a section divider, two columns, and three columns to neatly differentiate elements on the screen and make better use of the space provided. To add details in the columns, click the addition icon on the cell.

Input Components

Text Input: Text input as the name suggests is used to take a text-based input from the user that can be stored for future use. You can apply a pattern check as well to ensure that the correct input is taken from the user.

You can also define a specified pattern to mask it

Radio Group​​: Radio buttons can be a useful tool for agents during a call as they allow the agent to quickly and easily select from a predefined set of options. You can add input options either manually or you can also resolve them in real time via a variable.​