List of ML Engines Supported in the CMA


Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of the Machine Learning engines currently supported within the Creative Management App (CMA). These engines are designed to enhance your creative content strategy by seamlessly integrating AI capabilities. Whether it's ensuring brand visibility through logos, text, or strategic placement in keyframes of video content, these ML engines are equipped to optimize your media assets effectively. Added below are the 20 built-in ML engines supported by the Creative Management App:

Note: If you missed the knowledge base article on "How to Create Brands in the Ads Creative Management App," click here.

Supported ML Engines in the CMA

  • Brand Mentioned as Logo or Text

  • Brand Name Mentioned in Text

  • Brand Present in at least 3 keyframes of video

  • Brand Introduced within first 5 seconds in the video

  • Prominent Colour

  • Call to Action in Media

  • Word Count of the Headline in Media

  • Video Length Buckets (in seconds)

  • Video Length (in seconds)

  • Presence of Motion in first 5 seconds of video

  • Face Present within first 5 seconds of video

  • Face Closeup is present in Media

  • Human Interaction with the Product within first 5 seconds of Video

  • Sound in Video

  • Subtitles in Video

  • Aspect Ratio of Media

  • Human Present in Media

  • Language Detected in Media

  • Logo Position

  • CTA Position

  • Urgent Claims

  • Text Overlay

Preview for List of ML Engines Supported in the CMA


The ML engine for detecting brand logos in the CMA scans media content to identify and recognize logos based on pre-trained models. It analyzes visual patterns and matches them with known brand logo features to ensure accurate detection and placement within the content.

The CMA evaluates logos, colors, human faces, and aspect ratios in media, along with the position of call-to-action elements.

Yes, the CMA can analyze text overlays, word counts, and detect the language used in the media.

The CMA can detect brand logos, text mentions, and brand presence in video keyframes. It also checks if the brand is introduced within the first 5 seconds.