Reporting on CSAT Prediction


To track and analyze CSAT predictions, you can access reporting features that include the Predicted CSAT Score (Case) metric. By selecting this metric along with other relevant metrics like Case Count, you can generate comprehensive reports that provide insights into customer satisfaction levels.

List of Dimensions and Metrics to Create a Report on CSAT Prediction


Predicted CSAT Score for Message - The Predicted CSAT Score for a message.

Predicted CSAT Score (Case) - The predicted CSAT score for a case.

Previous Predicted CSAT - The score predicted on the preceding fan message.

Difference between Current and Previous predicted CSAT Ratings - The difference between the predicted CSAT Score of the latest and the preceding fan message.


Predicted CSAT Score - The score predicted on the last fan message of the case.

Difference between Current and Previous Predicted CSAT Ratings - The difference between the predicted CSAT Score of the latest and the preceding fan message.

Previous Predicted CSAT - The score predicted on the preceding fan message.

Initial CSAT Score - The latest Predicted CSAT Score until the brand has responded.

Net Sentiment Change - The difference between the current predicted CSAT Score and the initial CSAT score.

Assigned To User - The user who received the assignment of cases.

Unique Case Count - The total number of cases that the user has taken any action on.

To Configure a Reporting Widget for CSAT Prediction

  1. Click the New Tab icon . Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Care Reporting within Analyze.

  2. On the Reporting Home window, select the desired dashboard within the Dashboards section.

  3. On the selected Reporting Dashboard window, click Enter Edit Mode in the top right corner.

  4. Next, click Add Widget in the top right corner.

  5. Select the Type as Social Analytics and enter a Name.

  6. Select the Visualization Type from the available visualization types.

  7. Fill out the remaining preferences for your widget. For example, select Predicted CSAT Score (Case) as a case and Case Count as a metric. You can see the percentage or numerical form of CSAT score predicted on n number of cases.

    Viewing reporting on CSAT prediction

  8. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your widget.

Similarly, you can view the reporting in the form of a Pie Chart by selecting Predicted CSAT Score (Case) and Case Count as values. Hover over the pie chart that you have created to see the predicted CSAT score with the number of cases.Reporting in the form of a Pie Chart by selecting Predicted CSAT Rating (Case) and Case Count as values

Similarly, you can view the Predicted CSAT Score (Case) for the total number of cases that an agent has worked on by selecting Agent from the Dimension dropdown and the Name of the agent as a value from the dropdown.


You can view the Predicted CSAT Score of any particular agent case-wise, however, creating a report to predict Average CSAT Score for any particular agent is not currently supported.

Selecting agent as a dimension and the name of the agent as a value from the dropdown list to create the report of Predicted CSAT Rating

If you want to view the predicted CSAT Score of a particular agent then create a Table widget and select the dimension Assigned to User from Column 1 and Case Count metric from Column 2 (Sum operator) and Column 3 (%Change operator) with the metric Predicted CSAT Score. In the following image, you can view the agent-wise % change in Case Count and Predicted CSAT Score.

Agent wise csat reporting

You can also view the Average CSAT Trend for the agents according to the time interval of the cases created and solved by them. To view this, create a Spline widget and select Case Creation Interval on X-Axis and Predicted CSAT Score with the Average operator on Y-Axis. From the Series dropdown, select the dimension Assigned To User.

Predicted CSAT score reporting

You can also view the CSAT score for the last engaged agent on a case. To view this, create a Table widget and select Case Count from Column 1, Last Engaged User (Case) (custom field) from Column 2, and Predicted CSAT Score (Case) from Column 3.CSAT rating for last engaged users

You can also view the historical CSAT score for the cases that the agent has taken any action on. To view this, create a Table widget and select Unique Case Count from Column 1, Assigned To User from Column 2, and Predicted CSAT Score (Case) from Column 3.

CSAT Score for cases

Also, you can view the Initial CSAT Score for agents, which was the latest predicted CSAT score before the agent responded. You can also view the Net Sentiment Change which is a difference between the current predicted CSAT score and the initial CSAT score.

CSAT Score Reporting

You can also view the average of the initial CSAT score & net sentiment change score and the case count for different Initial CSAT scores.

CSAT Score Reporting