Custom Widgets (CRM Integration Based)


Types of API Widgets are as follows :

Properties Widget

Clients can integrate with their CRM, can fetch the relevant information, and show all the details in a widget using Custom Entity without storing data in Sprinklr. The data can be viewable in the list view.

When clicking on "Show All", agents can view the detailed view in the third pane.

​Record Card List with Tabs Widget

In tabs widget, agents can switch between tabs and in each tab we can show different cards containing few fields that are important for agents.

Agents can view detailed information of each card in the third pane by clicking "Show All".

Record Card List Widget

We can integrate with partner DB and show the information related to the customer in multiple cards if there is multiple line of records.

Most relevant information can be shown in the card and when the agents double click on the card, they can view detailed information in the third pane.