DAM Rules Conditions and Actions


The following conditions are available for users to select while creating a DAM Rule.

DAM Rule — Conditions



Condition Applies To Social Media Assets On Creation Or Update 

Set the condition based on the following asset properties on creation or update:

  • Account

  • Asset Auto-Imported

  • Asset Source

  • Asset Status

  • Asset Type

  • Available

  • Campaign

  • Client Visibility

  • Expires


  • In Folders

  • Post Keywords

  • Post Text

  • Restricted

  • Tags

  • User Visibility

  • User Visibility Keys

  • Visible From

  • Visible in all workspaces

  • Partner custom properties

  • Client custom properties

Condition Applies To Author Of Content

Set the condition based on the following properties associated with the author of content:

  • Users

  • Author custom properties

Condition Applies To Compare Properties of Two Asset

Set the condition based on the following properties associated with the properties of two assets:

  • First Asset: Post, User, Campaign & Sub-Campaign

  • Second Asset: Post, User, Campaign & Sub-Campaign

DAM Autofill Rule — Conditions



Condition Applies To Social Media Assets On Creation Or Update 

Set the condition based on the following asset properties on creation or update:

  • Account

  • Asset Auto-Imported

  • Asset Source

  • Asset Status

  • Asset Type

  • Available

  • Campaign

  • Client Visibility

  • Expires


  • In Folders

  • Post Keywords

  • Post Text

  • Restricted

  • Tags

  • User Visibility

  • User Visibility Keys

  • Visible From

  • Visible in all workspaces

  • Sub-Campaign

  • Partner custom properties

  • Client custom properties

Condition Applies To Author Of Content

Set the condition based on the following properties associated with the author of content:

  • Users

  • Author custom properties

DAM Update Rule — Conditions



Condition Applies To Social Media Assets On Creation Or Update 

Set the condition based on the following asset properties on creation or update:

  • Account

  • Asset Auto-Imported

  • Asset Source

  • Asset Status

  • Asset Type

  • Available

  • Campaign

  • Client Visibility

  • Expires


  • In Folders

  • Post Keywords

  • Post Text

  • Restricted

  • Tags

  • Updated Asset Tags

  • User Visibility

  • User Visibility Keys

  • Visible From

  • Visible in all workspaces

  • Sub-Campaign

  • Partner custom properties

  • Client custom properties

Condition Applies To Author Of Content

Set the condition based on the following properties associated with the author of content:

  • Users

  • Author custom properties

DAM Rule — Actions



Actions To Update Social Media Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Add to Folder

  • Add to Suggestion Queue

  • Available

  • Brand

  • Campaign

  • Choose Custom Fields to Set to Default

  • Client Visibility

  • Expires

  • Information

  • Restricted

  • Send Email Notification

  • Lock Asset

  • TagsTags

  • Initiate WorkflowTrigger Process

  • Set Approval Path

  • Set Approval User

  • Set External Source Media ID

  • Set Naming Convention

  • Set Status

  • User Visibility

  • Visible

  • Sub Campaign

  • Partner custom properties

  • Client custom properties

Actions To Copy Custom Fields From Similar Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Matching Score

  • SAM Custom Properties

Actions To Copy Properties From Different Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Campaign

  • Outbound Message

Actions To Copy Properties From Source To Destination

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Copy Action Source: Post, User, Campaign & Sub-Campaign

  • Copy Action Destination: Post, User, Campaign & Sub-Campaign

DAM Autofill Rule — Actions



Actions To Update Social Media Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Available

  • Brand -

  • Campaign

  • Client Visibility

  • Expires

  • Set Approval Path

  • Set Approval User

  • Set Naming Convention

  • Set Status

  • Tags

  • User Visibility

  • Visible

  • Add to Folder

  • Sub Campaign

  • Partner custom properties

  • Client custom properties

Actions To Copy Custom Fields From Similar Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Matching Score

  • SAM Custom Properties

Actions To Copy Properties From Different Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Campaign

  • Outbound Message

DAM Update Rule — Actions



Actions To Update Social Media Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Add to Folder -

  • Add to Suggestion Queue 

  • Available

  • Brand

  • Campaign

  • Choose Custom Fields to Set to Default

  • Client Visibility

  • Expires

  • Information

  • Restricted

  • Send Email Notification

  • Send Email Field Change Notification

  • Lock Asset

  • Tags

  • Initiate Workflow

  • Set Approval Path

  • Set Approval User

  • Set External Source Media ID

  • Set Naming Convention

  • Set Status

  • User Visibility

  • Visible

  • Sub Campaign

  • Partner custom properties

  • Client custom properties

Actions To Copy Custom Fields From Similar Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Matching Score

  • SAM Custom Properties

Actions To Copy Properties From Different Assets 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Campaign

  • Outbound Message

Actions To Copy Properties From Source To Destination

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Copy Action Source: Post, User, Campaign & Sub-Campaign

  • Copy Action Destination: SAM Asset


DAM rules can be configured to enforce consistent access controls, ensuring that the assets inherit the same visibility restrictions as the campaign. This ensures that only users or user groups with access to the campaign can view the associated assets.