Data Engine: Select Widget to add Metrics & Dimension in Source
Sprinklr's Data Engine merges data from multiple sources into a pipeline that transforms the combined data into a single report. This allows organizations to capture all the data that streams into their businesses more efficiently than ever before.
In this article, we’ll explore a new feature in Data Flow that streamlines the process of selecting and combining data from Sprinklr. By allowing you to select a widget as your source directly, this update automatically imports the relevant metrics and dimensions, simplifying the setup and enhancing your workflow.
In order to access Data Pipelines, you need to have permission for Data Engine.
Navigation Steps
Go to + New Page > Platform Modules > Manage Pipelines (under Listen to Data from other Internal Systems).
Click Create Normal Pipelines.
Click + Add Data Source and select From Sprinklr.
Under Add Data Source from Sprinklr start adding the details:
Data Source Name: Add a meaningful name for the data source.
Data Source: Select data source out of the list.
Columns: Select Metrics and Dimensions.
Column Labels: Select column labels.
Time Zone: Select the time zone as per your location.
Time Range: Select the time range from the date range filter.
Date Filters: Select the Data Filters.
Advanced Filters: You can add more conditions to further customize the filters.
Click Save.
Alternatively, you also have the option to select Import from Widget to import the metrics and dimensions.
Note: This option will only be available for table widgets. If no widget name is provided, you’ll see IDs in the selection option instead. Please note, when importing widgets into the pipeline data source, the selected time range and time zone data will not be imported.