Dynamic Creative Optimization Overview


What is Dynamic Creative Optimization? 

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is a digital advertising technology that uses data and algorithms to automatically tailor ad creative to individual viewers in real time. It enables advertisers to deliver personalized and highly relevant ads to different audience segments by dynamically generating variations of the ad creative based on user data and contextual factors.

What is the Value Add? 

  • Automation: Sprinklr's automated campaigns in tandem with channel's creative optimization capabilities allow you to deliver the most relevant content to your audience and make updates in real-time from a single feed file.​

  • Cost Efficiency: By learning from ongoing campaigns, DCO minimizes wasteful spending on underperforming ads. It focuses resources on the top-performing variations, saving costs and improving return on ad spend.

  • Continuous Learning: DCO continuously learns and adapts to audience preferences, refining its understanding of what resonates best with target customers. This iterative learning process enables marketers to make data-driven decisions and achieve better results over time.  

  • Creative Elements Level Reporting: Sprinklr offers a whole new level of reporting insights that were not possible before – comparison can be done on the images within the template now, to see which ones are performing best – and then those will be shown to maximum users.

How does a DCO Feed work? 

  • In a DCO feed, you can provide multiple creatives in a single Ad, where the channel optimizes to deliver the most impactful combination to your target audience.

  • Only one Ad can be created per Ad Set, and you can combine creatives of multiple rows in your feed to create one Ad.

  • You will need to define unique values in your feed rows for the creative combinations that you want to group within a single Ad.

  • Similarly, you will need to define all the dynamic values of the Ad into individual rows of their respective column. For example, in the feed below, user can have 5 combinations of the creative text, and the system will generate the creative variations by grouping these rows of the column.

  • The Feed should adhere to the channel limitations for the number of asset variations allowed. If you provide more than the allowed rows, the system will not allow you to proceed.