Caller DID Scheduler


DID, or Direct Inward Dialing in an outbound contact center refers to the individuals or systems responsible for managing the outgoing calls made by agents. Using these DID numbers, not only do agents reach customers but also customers can reach an agent or a specific extension directly without going through a main phone number or operator. 

Business Benefits

  • To achieve maximum reach and market penetration, businesses can have multiple DID numbers to contact target audiences, leading to more conversations and conversions.  

  • Ensuring that agents are kept busy with a steady stream of calls. 

  • Ease of accessibility for the customers.

Caller DID Scheduler in Sprinklr

To set up a DID call scheduler in Sprinklr, Campaign Managers can click on Voice Care in the launchpad. Then click on Call DID Scheduler under Voice Settings to access previous Schedulers along with their information or build a new one.


Column Name 



Name of the scheduler.


Additional info for the scheduler.

The selected Direct Inward Dialing (DID) type.

Modified Date

Time at which the scheduler was last modified.

Creation time 

Time at which the scheduler was created.


To create a new scheduler, simply click “Add Scheduler” in the top right-hand corner of the screen to create the following:  

  • Enter the Name for the scheduler. 

  • Any additional notes or information about the scheduler in the Description.

  • Select the Caller ID as desired.

  • Select the carrier through which calls would be made in Voice Application

  • Specify DID details. While filling out the DID details, it should be known that different voice applications will have different DID numbers. DID numbers are the numbers provided by the voice carriers (application) to the business to carry out outbound voice operations. Customers see these numbers on their screens when receiving calls. The number of DID numbers to be added is dependent on business outcomes, agent capacity, and voice application. You can seamlessly copy and paste DID numbers directly into the Caller IDs field. This feature supports pasting from comma-separated lists or directly from Excel spreadsheets.

For example, a major Indian bank opted for a voice application with 20 DID numbers for a single Call DID scheduler as their agent capacity was >1000 and their goal was to reach as many customers as possible through as many channels as possible. 

Campaign Manager can choose the most optimal voice application and then schedule calls to be made from a certain DID number based on historical data on phone number pick up rates, connectivity, and region of the target audience.

On the agent side, in case multiple numbers are chosen for a DID schedule, the calls will be distributed to agents on a round robin basis.

Click on Save to implement the Scheduler.

Edit Caller DID Scheduler 

To edit a scheduler, simply hover over the Options icon next to the scheduler to be updated and select Edit on the pop-up menu.


Campaign managers can use this feature to update and make changes to the Scheduler in voice applications, change DID schedules or add more schedules. Schedules can also be deleted by clicking on the bin icon (encircled below) to the right corner in the DID Schedule box. 


Click on “Save” once relevant changes have been made.

Delete Caller DID Scheduler

To delete a Scheduler, simply hover over the Options icon next to the scheduler to be deleted and click on “Delete” in the pop-up menu.  


Adding Caller DID Scheduler in Dialer Profile

When a call scheduler is used with a dialer profile in an outbound call center, it enables the call center to optimize its outbound calling strategy. The call scheduler can be used to set the time of day and day of week when calls should be made, and to adjust the frequency of calls based on factors such as call volume, agent availability, and customer preferences. 

The dialer profile, on the other hand, specifies how the dialer should behave when making calls. This can include parameters such as the maximum number of simultaneous calls, the maximum number of retries for unanswered calls, and the types of calls that should be made (e.g., predictive, preview, or progressive). 

By using a call scheduler with a dialer profile, an outbound call center can ensure that it is making the most effective use of its resources, while also providing a better customer experience by making calls at times when customers are most likely to be available and receptive.

To add a scheduler to an existing dialer profile 

  1. Click on Dialer Profile under Voice settings 

  2. Choose the Dialer Profile to add DID Scheduler to and click “Edit” 


Then, under Caller IDs, select the “DID Schedulers" option and choose the relevant DID Scheduler from the drop-down menu.

Click on “Save” once scheduler has been added and apply the Dialer profile to a relevant outbound voice campaign.

*Note: DID schedulers can only be implemented as a part of dialer profiles.