Customize Digital Twin Persona


Defining the Digital Twin personality offers a powerful means to infuse brands with a cohesive and authentic voice across various digital interactions. By customizing attributes such as tone, responses, and personas, organizations can tailor the Digital Twin's communication style to resonate with specific audiences, whether it be the company as a whole, individual teams, or even individual team members. This level of customization not only ensures consistency in messaging but also fosters deeper engagement and connection with users.

Note: Digital Twin is currently in limited availability. Sprinklr is seeking definition partners for this feature. For further information, please contact your Success Manager or the Product Team.

To Customize Digital Twin Persona

  1. Click Customize next to Digital Twin Persona within Step 1· Establish Identity.

    Attributes tab

  2. On the Customize Digital Twin Persona window, you'll find the Attributes tab, where you can specify the primary attributes of your Digital Twin based on its representation:

    Company: Set up a unified voice for your company, ensuring consistency across all internal and external communications.

    Team: Customize the voice for individual teams, whether they're customer-facing or internal, to reflect their unique characteristics and objectives.

    Person: Define a distinct personality for individual team members, aligning with their respective roles and responsibilities within the organization.

  3. Next, you'll proceed to add Digital Twin Identity. Here, you'll input the Name corresponding to the Company, Team, or individual Person that your Digital Twin represents. This name will be prefixed with an underscore (e.g., _ACME) and incorporated as the Digital Twin Name.

  4. Furthermore, you'll need to provide a Description elucidating the purpose and functions of your Digital Twin, along with specifying the Industry it operates within for contextualizing responses.

  5. Lastly, select the Supported Languages to ensure that your Digital Twin can effectively communicate in the desired linguistic framework.

    Brand Voice tab

  6. Click Next at the bottom and you'll find yourself on the Brand Voice tab, where you can fine-tune the tone and responses of your Digital Twin to reflect various emotions and interactions.

  7. To begin, specify the name of the Tone you wish to define. Following this, define sample responses to delineate the brand voice. For example, if you're aiming for a welcoming tone, designate it as "Welcome." Then, proceed to outline a response that embodies the desired brand voice for this specific tone.

    Tone Name: Welcome

    Response 1: "Hello! Welcome to our platform. How can I assist you today?"

    By adding various tones and corresponding responses, you can craft a dynamic and engaging brand voice for your Digital Twin, enabling it to effectively convey emotions and connect with users across different interactions.

    Personas tab

  8. After completing the Brand Voice configuration, click Next to proceed to the Personas tab. Here, click Add Persona to initiate the creation process.

  9. On the Create Persona window, provide a Name and Description for the persona you're generating. Proceed to select the target Audience from the dropdown menu for your Digital Twin. Then, specify the associated Accounts where you intend to direct the Digital Twin's interactions and engagement efforts.

  10. Additionally, you have the option to inherit skills from other Digital Twins, enabling your Digital Twin to execute tasks by acquiring skills associated with them. If you opt to enable this feature, select the desired Digital Twin and the corresponding Tasks to inherit.

  11. You can add multiple personas. Click Save at the bottom.

By following these steps, you can finely tune your Digital Twin's personality to suit the specific needs and characteristics of your organization, fostering enhanced engagement and alignment across various communication channels.