Google Ads Reporting Dimensions


Leverage this detailed list of all Google Ads dimensions available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to gain more insight into your Google Ads. Given below is a list of all Google Ads dimensions, along with their descriptions.

Native Dimension Name

Sprinklr Dimension Name

Dimension Description



Breakdown of Data by Date.


Day Of Week

Breakdown of Data by Day Of the Week.



The age ranges used in targeting for your ad set.


Paid Initiative

Breakdown of Data by Paid Initiative.

Ad post

Ad Post

Breakdown of Data by Ad Post.

Ad Variant

Ad Variant

Breakdown of Data by Ad Variant.



Breakdown of Data by Channel.

Ad Set

Ad Set

Breakdown of Data by Ad Set.

Month Of Year

Month Of Year

Breakdown of Data by Month Of Year.



Title of your Ad/Ad Variant/Campaign.

Ad Objective

Ad Objective

The objective that you selected for your campaign.

Paid Initiative Status

Paid Initiative Status

Status of the campaign.

Ad Account

Ad Account

Breakdown of Data by Account.

Ad Set Name

Ad Variant Name

Breakdown of Data by Ad Name.

Ad group

Ad Account Group

Breakdown of Data by Account Group.

Organic listing

Google Organic Listings

Breakdown of Data by Google Organic Listings.


Conversion Metric

Number of actions as a result of your ads.

Ad Variant ID

Ad Variant Id

Breakdown of Data by Ad Variant ID.

Ad Set Status

Ad Set Status

Breakdown by Ad Set Run Status.

Ad Variant Status

Ad Variant Status

Breakdown of Data by Google Ad Status.

Region (Demographic), Region (User Location)

Google Region

The geographic regions you targeted or the geographic regions of people who engaged with your ad.



Breakdown of Data by Campaign Name.

Ad post id

Ad Post Id

Breakdown of Data by Post ID.


Google Campaign

Breakdown of Data by Google Campaign.

Published Date

Published Date

Date Ad was published.

Ad Account Id

Ad Account Id

ID of the account through which ad is published.

Campaign Id

Ad Post Campaign Id

This shows the breakdown of results by campaign ID.

Ad Set Id

Ad Set Id

This shows the breakdown of results by ad set ID.

Ad Name

Ad Name

This shows the breakdown of results by ad name.

Ad group

Google Ad group

Breakdown of Data by Google Ad group.

Group ID

Google Ad group ID

Breakdown of Data by Google Ad group ID.


Google Advertising Channel

Breakdown of Data by Google Advertising Channel.


Google Age Range

Age Range of the audience.


Google Campaign Daily Budget

The budget shows your campaign's daily budget. If the campaign draws from a shared budget, then the amount in this column reflects the entire shared budget.

Campaign ID

Google Campaign ID

Campaign ID.


Google Condition

Breakdown of Data by Google Condition.


Google Country

Breakdown of Data by Country.

Approval Status

Google Criteria Approval Status

Approval status of Campaign.

Store Display name

Google Criteria Display Name

The visible store name in the participant's ad in the auctions. This column identifies the participant.

Description line 1

Google Description line 1

Description line 1.

Description line 2

Google Description line 2

Description line 2.


Google Device

Device Type ( Mobile, Laptop , Tablet etc).

Device Preference

Google Device preference

Breakdown of Data by Device preference.

Display/Video keyword

Google Display Keyword

Breakdown of Data by Display Keyword.

Keyword ID

Google Display Keyword ID

Keyword ID.

Search Keyword Status

Google Display Keyword Status

The status column shows you if your keyword can run.

Display URL

Google Display URL

Display URL.

Dynamic Ad target

Google Dynamic ad target

Dynamic ad target.

Est. add. clicks/wk (first position bid)

Google Est. add. clicks/wk (first position bid)

Estimated additional clicks per week shows how many clicks per week you might get by changing your keyword bid from the amount listed in the “Base max. CPC” column to the first position bid estimate.

Est. add. cost/wk (first position bid)

Google Est. add. cost/wk (first position bid)

Estimated additional cost per week shows how your cost per week might change when changing your keyword bid from the amount listed in the “Base max. CPC” column to the first position bid estimate.

Exp. CTR

Google Expected clickthrough rate

“Expected CTR” measures how likely it is that your ad will be clicked when shown.

Ad Final URL

Google Final URL

Ad Final URL.

Ad Final URL suffix

Google Final URL suffix

Final URL suffix will be added to the end of your final URL.


Google Gender

The genders you targeted, or the genders of people who engaged with your ad.

Quality Score

Google Has Quality Score

Quality Score is an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing pages are to a person who sees your ad. Higher Quality Scores typically lead to lower costs and better ad positions.

Google Keyword Bid Strategy Type

Name of bid strategy designed to achieve business goals. AdWords automated bidding takes the heavy lifting and guesswork out of setting your bids.

Search Keyword Match Type

Google Keyword Match type

Search Keyword Match Type.

Search Keyword Status

Google Keyword Status

The status column shows you if your keyword can run.


Google Keyword/Placement

Placement of Ad.

Keyword final URL

Google Keyword/Placement Destination URL

Keyword Final URL.


Google Labels

Labels allow you to organize your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords into groups.

Landing page experience

Google Landing page experience

"Landing page experience" estimates how relevant and useful your landing page is to people who click your ad.

Location Type

Google Location type

Type of Location.

Base Max CPC

Google Max Cpc Bid

This column shows the max. CPC bid that Google Ads used to create click and cost estimates for the bid simulator columns.

Ad group max CPM

Google Max Cpm Bid

Max. CPM (maximum cost-per-thousand impressions) is the highest amount you're willing to pay for 1,000 impressions of your ad.

Ad group max CPV

Google Max Cpv Bid

Maximum cost-per-view (max. CPV) is the most you're willing to pay when someone views or interacts with your video ad.

Ad mobile final URL

Google Mobile final URL

Breakdown of Data by Google Mobile final URL.

Network (with search partners)

Google Network (with search partners)

Sites in the Search Network that partner with Google to show ads and free product listings.

Organic Clicks

Google Organic Clicks

Breakdown of Data by Google Organic Clicks.

Organic Clicks/Query

Google Organic Clicks/Query

Breakdown of Data by Google Organic Clicks/Query.

Organic Listings/Query

Google Organic Listings/Query

Breakdown of Data by Google Organic Listings/Query.

Organic Queries

Google Organic Queries

Breakdown of Data by Google Organic Queries.


Google Placement

Breakdown of Data by Google Placement.

Quality Score

Google Quality score

Quality Score is an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing pages are to a person who sees your ad.


Google Query

Breakdown of Data by Google Query.

Search impr. share

Google Search Impression Share by Keyword

"Search impression share" is the impressions you’ve received on Google search sites divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.

Search Keyword

Google Search Keyword

Breakdown of Data by Google Search Keyword.

Search Result Type

Google Search Result Type

Breakdown of Data by Google Search Result Type.

Ad/Ad group/ Campaign/ Keyword Tracking template

Google Tracking template

Breakdown of Data by Google Tracking template.



Breakdown by Name.

Campaign ID

Paid Initiative Id

This shows the breakdown of results by campaign ID.


Google Ad (Deprecated)

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel/Sprinklr and the of Data would be available till the last date metric was active.


Google Headline 1 (Deprecated)

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel/Sprinklr and the of Data would be available till the last date metric was active.


Google Headline 2 (Deprecated)

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel/Sprinklr and the of Data would be available till the last date metric was active.


Google Descriptions

This asset is used for Descriptions


Google Headlines

This asset is used for Headlines

Organic Average Position

Google Organic Average Position (Deprecated)

Breakdown of Data by Google Organic Average Position.

Start Date

Ad Set Start Date

Breakdown of Data by Ad Set Start Date.



Breakdown by gender.

Campaign Bid Strategy type

Paid Initiative Bid Strategy

Strategy type of your campaign.

Campaign Bid Strategy type

Paid Initiative Bid Type

Strategy type of your campaign.

Ad Event Type

Google Conversion Type

Interaction type conversion was attributed to (such as click or view)

Conversion Category

Google Conversion Category

Conversion category (such as purchase or lead)

Conversion Source

Google Conversion Source

Conversion source (such as Google Analytics or Website)