Snapchat Ads Reporting Dimensions


Leverage this detailed list of all Snapchat dimensions available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to gain more insight into your Snapchat Ads. Given below is a list of all Snapchat dimensions, along with their descriptions.

Dimension Name

Sprinklr Dimension Name

Dimension Description



Breakdown of Data by Date.


Day Of Week

Breakdown of Data by Day of the Week.



The age ranges used in targeting for your ad set.


Paid Initiative

Breakdown of Data by Paid Initiative.

Ad post

Ad Post

Breakdown of Data by your Ad Post.

Ad Variant

Ad Variant

Breakdown of Data by Ad Variant.

Ad Set

Ad Set

Breakdown of Data by Ad Set.

Month Of Year

Month Of Year

Breakdown of Data by Month Of Year.



Title of your Ad/Ad Variant/Campaign.

Ad Objective

Ad Objective

The objective that you selected for your campaign.

Paid Initiative Status

Paid Initiative Status

Status of the campaign.

Ad Account

Ad Account

Breakdown of Data by Account.

Ad Set Name

Ad Variant Name

Breakdown of Data by Ad Name.

Ad group

Ad Account Group

Breakdown of Data by Account Group.


Snapchat Age Bucket

Breakdown of Data by the age group targeted.


Snapchat Country

Breakdown of Data by Country of the user.


Snapchat Gender

The genders you targeted, or the genders of people who engaged with your ad.

Snapchat State

Snapchat Region

Breakdown of Data by State of the user.

Device Make

Snapchat Device

Breakdown of Data by the device make.

Operating system

Snapchat Operating System

Breakdown of Data by the ID of the interest category targeted.


Conversion Metric

Number of actions as a result of your ads.

Ad Variant ID

Ad Variant Id

Breakdown by ID of your Ad Variant.

Ad Status

Ad Set Status

Breakdown by Ad Set Run Status.

Buying type

Ad Buying Type

The method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding or reach and frequency buying. This field is currently only visible at the campaign level.

Ad post id

Ad Post Id

Breakdown of Data by Post ID.

Published Date

Published Date

Date Ad was published.

Ad Account Id

Ad Account Id

ID of the account through which ad is published.

Campaign Id

Ad Post Campaign Id

This shows the breakdown of results by campaign ID.

Ad Set Id

Ad Set Id

This shows the breakdown of results by ad set ID.

Device Operating System

Device OS

Breakdown of Data by Device Operating system.

Ad Name

Ad Name

This shows the breakdown of results by ad name.



Breakdown by Name.

Campaign ID

Paid Initiative Id

This shows the breakdown of results by campaign ID.


Snapchat Dma

Breakdown of Data by the demographics targeted (moms, household income, parents, etc.).

Start Date

Ad Set Start Date

Breakdown of Data by Ad Set Start Date.



Breakdown by gender.