What is a discovery run?



The Discovery Run module by Sprinklr automates the extraction of frequently used conversational intents, making it an invaluable tool for brands on their Conversational AI journey. By analyzing customer utterances, the module reduces the time and effort required to develop a virtual assistant, resulting in a successful Conversational AI solution.


You can easily analyze user-bot conversations using the Discovery Run module, either by selecting historical conversations from Sprinklr or by uploading your own historical transcripts in Excel format. Once initiated, the module uses unsupervised clustering to identify various intents.


The AI intelligently identifies all available intents. You can review each intent to understand the conversations that led to its identification. Additionally, you can explore the underlying expressions that contributed to identifying an intent. This functionality empowers you to create new intents or refine existing ones by training specific expressions, allowing you to continuously improve your conversational models.


To grant users access to Discovery Run in Sprinklr, they must have the following permission:

Conversational AI > Conversational AI - Discovery Runs > All