How to Create Multiple Ads with Creative Variations using Dynamic Image Templates and Bulk Import


When you use an Image Template in a Dynamic Product Ad, the template is linked to a product feed or catalog, and the content of the template is dynamically updated for each Ad. For regular Ads, however, you need to manually update the images for each ad creative, which becomes a tedious process. For example, in sports betting industries, brands need to manually update the ads that have Betting Odds shown in them as it keeps updating frequently.

In Sprinklr, you can use Dynamic Image Templates to update regular static (non-dynamic) ads via Bulk Import and generate new images for each ad creative. On leveraging Image Templates, you can address multiple use cases such as adjusting the text, price, or logo in your image without having to manually edit the creative.

You can leverage this capability across all channels for which publishing is supported in Sprinklr.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have set up the Dynamic Image Template before updating the details in your bulk import spreadsheet.

To Update non-DPA Ads using Image Templates

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Advertising tab within Social Marketing, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. On the Ads Manager window, select the Ad(s) to be updated by checking the boxes alongside each ad.

3. Hover over the Options icon in the top-right corner and select Export.

4. On the Export Settings window, select Bulk Import Templates under Select Columns in Export Data Form.

5. From the Select the Bulk Import use-case for which you want the columns to be exported drop-down menu, select Modify the existing campaigns.
Modify existing campaigns in Export bulk import template

6. Click Add Custom Columns. On the Export Column Template window, click Ad from the left-hand pane and select the columns given below.

  • Dynamic Image Template Id

  • Image URL

  • Story Id

  • Dynamic Image Placeholders

Selected Columns for Export

7. Once done, click Select Columns in the bottom-right corner.

8. Click Export from the bottom to initiate the export.

9. In the exported sheet, update the columns of the template. For more information, see Column Description. Click here to preview a sample template.Bulk Import Template

10. Save the template in your system after the bulk import spreadsheet is updated.

11. Import the sheet back into Sprinklr.

Column Description

Dynamic Image Template Id

Enter the ID of the image template in this column. You can find the Template ID in the details pane of the

Digital Asset Manager

Image URL
Provide the URL of the new image. This will lead to the creation of the new image in the same template.
Story Id

Remove the field value as it contains the Channel ID of the old post.

Dynamic Image Placeholders
Update the placeholders' value of the template using the following format:
Placeholder's name :: Placeholder value, with the placeholders separated by #BREAK#.
Below is an example for the placeholders Sprinklr and Offer Sprinklr created in a Dynamic Image Template.
Sprinklr :: Winter Sale! #BREAK# Offer Sprinklr :: flowers.jpg