Email Post Assets


It is mandatory to create assets for every channel, before you add them in the customer journey. Sprinklr provides you with the ability to search/ build assets in the Digital Asset Management.

1) Click the New Tab icon Media preview . Under Sprinklr Marketing, click Digital Asset Management

2) Click Create Asset in the top right corner and select Post from the dropdown.

Media preview

3) In the Create New Asset window, select Email / Email Marketing as the Channel from the Channels dropdown.

4) From Type of Message dropdown, select the Template that you would like to use.

5) Mention the Subject to your email in the given field.

6) Write an Email Title.

7) Change Image and Edit Content. You can also change the callout text for CTA buttons and the associated URLs.

8) Enter asset details in the Overview section.

9) Click Save in the bottom right corner.