Advocacy Permissions


To make sure that new Users in your Sprinklr environment are set up with the appropriate Advocacy access and capabilities, you'll want to ensure that their Role is granted the right permissions. To review the basics of adding new users to your environment, see Add a User .

Admin Set-up:

Adding users and defining roles and permissions is an admin capability, and users must have permission to perform these governing actions in an environment.

Accessing the Advocacy Community, Content Lists, and Advocacy Reporting, viewing data, and creating content in Advocacy have associated permissions that grant users access to these features

Advocacy Account Type Permissions



Attach Photo

Allow users to attach photos while creating an advocacy post.

Attach Product

Allow users to attach products while creating an advocacy post.

Announcement Template

Allow users to access announcement templates within an advocacy post.

Upload Content Template

Allow users to access upload contnet template within an advocacy post.

Display Content Template

Allow users to access display content template within an advocacy post.

Thread Template

Allow users to add thread temlate within an advocacy post.

Influencer Content Template

Allow users to access influencer content template within an advocacy post.

Advocacy Community Permissions




Allows users to access and view the Advocacy Community page.


Allows users to create new Advocacy Communities.


Allows users to edit existing Advocacy Communities.


Allows users to delete existing Advocacy Communities.

Advocacy Site Permissions




Allow users to view advocacy site in admin console.


Allow user to create an advocacy site in the admin console.


Allow users to edit the advocacy site in the admin console.


Allow users to delete an advocacy site in the admin console.


Allow users to publish an advocacy sites in the admin console.

View Topic

Allow users to view topics in the admin console.

Create Topic

Allow users to create topics in the admin console.

Edit Topic

Allow users to edit topics in the admin console.

Delete Topic

Allow users to delete topics in the admin console.

Gamification Reset

Allow users to reset the gamification points with in the admin console.

Advocacy Reporting Permissions




Allows users to access and view Advocacy Reporting.


Allows users to create new Advocacy Reporting dashboards.


Allows users to edit existing Advocacy Reporting dashboards.


Allows users to delete Advocacy Reporting dashboards.


Allows users to export Advocacy Reporting dashboards.


Allows users to share Advocacy Reporting dashboards.


Allows users to clone existing Advocacy Reporting dashboards.


Allows users to lock and unlock Advocacy Reporting dashboards

Share External

Allows users to share Advocacy Reporting dashboards outside Sprinklr.

Create Widget

Allows users to create new widgets in Advocacy Reporting dashboards.

Edit Widget

Allows users to edit existing widgets in Advocacy Reporting dashboards.

Delete Widget

Allows users to delete existing widgets in Advocacy Reporting.

Export Widget

Allows users to export Advocacy Reporting widgets.

Clone Widget

Allows users to clone Advocacy Reporting widgets.

Lock Widget

Allows users to lock and unlock Advocacy Reporting widgets.

Change Widget Chart

Allows users to change the chart visualization of Advocacy Reporting widgets

User Overview Dashboard

Allows users to access the standard Advocacy Reporting dashboard: Users Overview Dashboard.

Export Dashboard Metadata

Allow user to export the metadata from the advocacy reporting dashboard.

Default Visibility


Advocacy Reporting Settings Permissions



Custom Metrics

Allows users to configure custom metrics within Advocacy Reporting.

Scheduled Reports

Allows users to create and configure scheduled exports for Advocacy Reporting.


Allows users to annotate widgets in Advocacy Reporting.

Target Metrics

Allows users to configure Target Metrics within Advocacy Reporting.