Publisher Specifications for Different Spaces in Advocacy


Quick Publisher in Space

Image limitations: 

  • Image size:  Supported formats: - 'jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'tiff', 'tif' 

  • No size limitation 

  • No number of images limitation 

Video limitations: 

  • All formats of video allowed 

  • No size limitation 

  • Only one video is allowed         

Advocacy Site Publisher

  • Videos: 200 MB limit (only 1 image) 

  • Images (including gif): 200 MB for site publisher (max number of images: 10) 

  • If uploading from DAM no limit on the size of images, videos 

External Publisher

  • Videos: 200 MB limit (only 1 image) 

  • Images (including gif): 200 MB for site publisher (max number of images: 10) 

  • If uploading from DAM no limit on size of images, videos 


Suggest Content

  • Supported media types: jpeg, png, gif, mp4, mov, webm 

  • Maximum media size: 15MB (per media), Video: 200MB (per media) 

  • Number of multimedia that can be uploaded: 10