Pinterest reporting glossary


In this article, you learn about all the reporting metrics & dimensions available for Pinterest.

Pinterest account metrics



Pinterest User Board Count

The number of Boards by the Pinterest Account.

Pinterest User Followers

The number of Followers of the Pinterest Account profile. This is not the same as Pinterest Board Followers.

Pinterest User Followings

The number of people the Pinterest Account is following.

Pinterest User Likes

The number of pins liked by the Pinterest Account.

Pinterest User Low Engagement Board Count

The number of Pinterest Boards with low engagement.

Pinterest User Pin Count

The number of Pins on the Pinterest Account.

Pinterest User Daily Engagement Rate

The total engagements on Pins of the Pinterest Account are divided by the total number of times your Pins were seen. Engagements include saves, Pin clicks and outbound clicks.

Pinterest User Daily Engagements

The total number of engagements on Pins of the Pinterest Account. This includes saves, Pin clicks, outbound clicks and carousel card swipes.

Pinterest User Daily Impressions

The number of times Pins of the Pinterest Account were shown on screen.

Pinterest User Daily Outbound click rate

The total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with pins of the pinterest account divided by the total number of times your Pins were on screen.

Pinterest User Daily Outbound clicks

The number of times people perform actions that lead them to a destination off Pinterest.

Pinterest User Daily Pin click rate

The total number of clicks on Pins of the Pinterest Account on or off Pinterest divided by the total number of times your Pins or ads were on screen

Pinterest User Daily Pin clicks

The total number of clicks on Pins of the Pinterest Account on or off Pinterest.

Pinterest User Daily Save Rate

The total saves of Pins of the Pinterest Account divided by the total number of times your Pins were on screen.

Pinterest User Daily Saves

The number of times people saved a Pin of the Pinterest Account to a board.

Pinterest post metrics



Pin Domain

The domain name from where the Pinterest Pin originated.

Agent Pinterest Pin Comments

The number of comments on a Pinterest Pin by an agent.

Pinterest Pin Comments

The number of comments on a Pinterest Pin.

Pinterest Pin Comments Trend

The number of comments on a Pinterest Pin. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

Agent Pinterest Pin Repins

The number of repins on a Pinterest Pin by an agent.

Pinterest Pin Repins

The number of repins on a Pinterest Pin.

Pinterest Pin Repins Trend

The number of repins on a Pinterest Pin. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

Agent Pinterest Pin Saves

The total number of times agent saved your Pins to a board.

Pinterest Pin Saves

This metric gives an aggregated count of repins. As defined by Pinterest, this includes aggregated stats from all other versions of that same Pin that exist in Pinterest's corpus of over 80 billion Pins - matched by exact image signature and destination URL.

Pinterest Pin Saves Trend

This metric gives an aggregated count of repins. As defined by Pinterest, this includes aggregated stats from all other versions of that same Pin that exist in Pinterest's corpus of over 80 billion Pins - matched by exact image signature and destination URL. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 Days Engagement

The total number of engagements on your Pins. This includes saves, Pin clicks, outbound clicks.

Agent Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Clicks

The total number of times an agent has clicked on your Pin to a destination on or off of Pinterest in the last 90 days.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Clicks

Total clicks in Last 90 days.

Agent Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Closeups

The total number of times an agent viewed a close-up version of your Pin in the last 90 days.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Closeups

Total closeups in the last 90 days.

Agent Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Impressions

The total number of times your Pins were shown in the last 90 days.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Impressions

Total impressions in the last 90 days.

Agent Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Video Views

The number of views for at least 2 seconds with 50% of video in view in the last 90 days.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Video Views

Total video views in the last 90 days.

Agent Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Video Watch Time in milliseconds

The average time in milliseconds an agent spent watching your video in the last 90 days.

Pinterest Pin Last 90 days Video Watch Time in milliseconds

Total video watch time in the last 90 days, which is measured in milliseconds.

Pinterest dimensions



Pin Domain

The domain name from where the Pinterest Pin originated.

Pinterest Board Name

The name of the Pinterest Board.