WeChat Automatic Messages


WeChat account admin can create automatic messages such as welcome messages, auto-replies and keyword inspired auto-replies. Auto messages can include text, images, voice messages and video. Followers receive auto messages when their actions match pre-set conditions. This capability benefits both followers and account admin. Goal-oriented followers can receive only the messages that they want and filter irrelevant ones. For account admin, they no longer have to deal with every inquiry message from their followers.

Before You Begin

Before you create WeChat Auto Reply, ensure that you've added your official WeChat Account in Sprinklr. To add your WeChat account, see Add a WeChat Account.

WeChat Welcome Message

A welcome message is automatically sent from an official account after users follow the account. It can be a text message, picture, voice message or video. 

To Auto Reply on Follow

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Governance Console, click Accounts within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Accounts window, click All Channels in the top left corner of the section bar to filter the accounts by WeChat.

  3. Hover over the Options icon  corresponding to your desired Account, and select On Follow Auto Response.


  4. On the On Follow Auto Response window, select SpaceIcon_SocialDMP_DataSource.pngAdd Asset under Add Content from SAM.

  5. In the Media Uploader window, select the desired post and click Add in the bottom right corner.

  6. On the On Follow Auto Response window, fill in the required details to create an Auto Reply on Following the WeChat Account. For more information, see Auto Reply on Follow — Field Descriptions.


  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Auto Reply on Follow — Field Descriptions

Add Content from SAM

Click to add post asset from the Digital Asset Management.


Select the Campaign from the drop-down menu.

URL Shortener

Select the URL shortener from the drop-down menu.


Select the Tag(s) from the drop-down menu.

Social Bar

Select the Social Bar from the drop-down menu.


Enter the desired custom properties.

Auto-reply Messages

Auto-reply messages appear when a follower sends you a message. They can be text messages, pictures, voice messages or videos. For more information, see Configure Rules to Auto-Respond to Messages.

WeChat Keyword Auto-replies

Keyword auto-replies are a more sophisticated automatic reply capability. A designated reply will appear only when followers send a message that contains certain keywords. The rules can be pre-set by the WeChat account admin. Followers receive auto-replies for each message that fits the rules.

To Auto Reply on Keyword

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Governance Console, click Accounts within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Accounts window, click All Channels in the top left corner of the section bar to filter the accounts by WeChat.

  3. Hover over the account's Options icon  and select Auto Response Menu.


  4. On the Keywords Automatic Reply window, click SpaceIcon_SocialDMP_DataSource.png Add Rule and fill in the required details. For more information, see Keywords Automatic Reply — Field Descriptions.


  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Keywords Automatic Reply — Field Descriptions

Rule Name

Enter the desired name for the rule.


Enter the desired keywords for the auto-response.

Keyword match level

Select the keyword match level:

  • Full

  • Partial


Add more keyword

Click this, if you wish to add more keywords.

Upload Asset

Click to add post asset from the Digital Asset Management.


Select the Campaign from the drop-down menu.

URL Shortener

Select the URL shortener from the drop-down menu.


Select the Tag(s) from the drop-down menu.

Social Bar

Select the Social Bar from the drop-down menu.


Enter the desired custom properties.