Twitter Welcome Messages


Twitter Welcome Messages make it easier for businesses to define the customer experience from the start, without requiring any manual action at all. Welcome Messages are sent to users when they begin a direct message conversation with your Twitter account and can be used to let customers know what service options are available to them. You can use Welcome Messages to engage and educate your customers on their options while defining their experience.


Configure Twitter Welcome Messages

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Owned Social Accounts within Listen.

  2. In the Accounts (Settings) window, click All Channels in the top left corner of the section bar to filter the accounts by Twitter.

  3. In the desired Twitter account, you wish to configure a Welcome Message for, hover over the account's Options icon baseline_more_vert_black_18dp.png and select Configure Your Messenger.

  4. In the Messenger Configuration window, click Add Asset to upload a message template using the Media Uploader.

  5. Check the Enabled on Twitter box. The preview of the post will render on the right pane.

  6. Click Save in the bottom right corner to configure a Twitter welcome message.

Note: When Twitter users DM you, they'll automatically receive your Welcome Message.