Apply and Manage Filters to Inbox Feed (Sprinklr Distributed)


The content that the user sees in any inbox feed can be controlled by the filters applied to that feed. The filters appear to the right side of the feed and allow the user to temporarily filter the feed content. These filters only affect the display for the user who is applying the search filter.

To Apply Filters to Inbox Feed

  1. Log in to the Distributed environment.
  2. Click My Interactions in the Menu bar to the left.
  3. The Filters column appears on the right side of the feed. Click the checkboxes to select appropriate filters. The filtered results will appear in the left pane. Check out the Filter Types in detail. 
  4. Click Save to save the applied set of filters for a feed. A dialog box opens.
  5. Enter the Filter Name and click Save.

Filter Types

The feed can be filtered by applying any of the following available filters.

Filter Name Image Description
Engagement Status clipboard_e0286ee108769fbae8ca8e0bbec3a7b7d.png Use this Filter to find posts or messages that you have or not already engaged with. 
Engaged/Replied clipboard_e7f8da232839c823a8f1c11e37a489096.png If you have replied to a message, you will see a Replied iconclipboard_e38472a3734e3daa7dda24eefae25d788.png  next to the message. 
Channel clipboard_e71feb3dfe29a8156e4fbfdcc8073ca10.png Check the boxes corresponding to the channels that you want to filter. 
Message Type clipboard_e4ad8534c5ffcc8fea99239e9df927f0d.png Use this filter to filter out content based on the message types, such as Posts, Direct Messages, Comments & Replies, Reshares, Reviews, etc. 
Account clipboard_ea3457247c79b327cfef9d37b6c121465.png Use this filter for finding content based on accounts they were published by. 
Engageable clipboard_eaf177589d279c04d6421db582446815e.png Use this filter to find engageable or non-engageable content. 
Message Category clipboard_e13f84bd3777a43f2635cbbe389e17750.png

Use the Message Category filter to find content in a particular category. Sprinklr's AI-based content categorization helps you identify the message sentiment very quickly.

To Update Saved Filters

  1. Under Quick Filters, click the saved filter that you want to update.
  2. Click checkboxes to add any additional filters to the saved filters.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Two options appear - Update current filter and Save as new filter. Take the desired action.

To Edit Saved Filters

  1. Hover over any Saved Filters to make the Options icon appear.
  2. It has two options, Rename and Delete. Take the desired action.

To Reset Filters

At any time while selecting filters, click Reset to deselect all the filters and return to the default state.