Audience targeting in Email Marketing using Profile Lists and Audience Segments


In this article, you will learn how to create profile lists and audience segments to target your audience effectively while running an email marketing campaign.

Create Profile Lists by importing leads into Sprinklr

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab select the Marketing section. Then click Audience Profiles within Publish.

  2. On the Audience Profiles window, click the Options icon on the top right corner and select Import.

  3. Within the Import Audience Profiles window, click Download Excel Template.

  4. Fill the downloaded Excel template with all the necessary details. Please note that the first 4 fields (columns A, B, C, and D) are mandatory.

  5. For Email Marketing profile addition the mandatory columns should be filled as follows -

Column Name


Social Network


User ID

Enter the email address of the recipient 

User Screen Name

Display name of the recipient, this will appear on the Profile third pane.

Full Name

Full Name of the recipient

  • In the column Partner Profile List or Client Profile List, bundle the audience profiles together into a single Profile List. Client and Partner here refers to the visibility of the said profile list. This Partner Profile List or Client Profile List can now be used to refer to all the profiles within it.

  • Upload the filled Excel template back to the Import Audience Profiles window.

Create an Audience Segment from the Profile Lists

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click Audience Segments within Integrate.

  2. On the Segment Manager window, you can either create a new segment or edit the existing segment.

  3. To create a new segment from the profile list created earlier, click on the Create Segment button on the top right corner of the screen.

  4. On the Create New Segment window, first enter the basic details of the segment.

  5. In the Select Attribute dropdown for the targeting filter group, select Client/Partner Profile List based on the type of profile list imported earlier.

  6. You can add multiple groups with different filters, profile lists and segments. You can also add groups to be excluded.

  7. Click Save once done to create your audience segment.