Advantage Custom & Lookalike Audiences in Facebook & Instagram Ads



Advantage Custom Audience and Advantage Lookalike Audience are two powerful features offered by Meta that Sprinklr offers that can enhance the performance of your ad campaigns. This article will explore how these features work and how you can effectively use them to reach a wider audience and improve campaign outcomes. 


Advantage Custom Audience

Advantage Custom Audience allows Sprinklr's delivery system to expand the reach of your ads beyond the original selected audience, with the aim of improving performance. Meta algorithms dynamically expands your audience based on the custom audience selection. It uses your custom audience as a guide to reach more people who are likely to achieve your optimization goals. 

Enabling Advantage Custom Audience: 

Advantage Custom Audience is automatically turned on for all objectives when creating a new campaign that includes a website, mobile, or engagement custom audience. However, you can choose to opt out of using Advantage Custom Audience by unticking the "Advantage custom audience" checkbox within the Custom audience section. 


To enable Advantage Custom Audience via the Ads Composer: 

1. Click on New Tab, click on Advertising subtab under Sprinklr Marketing tab.  

2. Go to Ads Composer, go to the target audience section, select any custom audience according to the use case. 

3. Tick the Advantage Audience checkbox to enable Advantage Custom Audience 


The checkbox for Advantage Custom Audience and Advantage Lookalike Audience will be present at the Ad Set level under the Audience screen in the Ads Manager.

Advantage Lookalike Audience

Advantage Lookalike Audience, previously known as lookalike expansion, helps improve campaign performance by delivering ads to people outside your defined Lookalike Audience if it's likely to improve performance. Advantage Lookalike Audience uses the custom audience you based your lookalike audience on as a guide for ad delivery. It dynamically assesses performance and expands your audience further to include similar opportunities if better performance is identified. 


Advantage Lookalike Audience is automatically enabled for new, duplicated, and draft campaigns and ad sets that use Lookalike Audiences created from mobile, website, or customer list Custom Audiences, with specific optimization goals and objectives. Advantage Lookalike Audience isn't available for campaigns that use special ad categories such as housing, employment, and credit (HEC) and social issues, elections, and politics (SIEP). 


To enable Advantage Custom Audience via the Ads Composer: 

1. Click on New Tab, click on Advertising subtab under Sprinklr Marketing tab.  

2. Go to Ads Composer, go to the target audience section, select any lookalike audience according to the use case. 

3. Tick the Advantage Audience checkbox to enable Advantage Lookalike Audience 


The checkbox for Advantage Custom Audience and Advantage Lookalike Audience will be present at the Ad Set level under the Audience screen in the Ads Manager.


Advantage Custom Audience and Advantage Lookalike Audience are valuable features in Sprinklr that can enhance your ad campaigns' performance. By leveraging these features effectively, you can expand your reach and optimize your targeting to achieve better results.