Facebook Ads Split Testing


Facebook Split Testing provides advertisers an easier way to run experiments on how different factors such as ad formats, creatives, landing pages, bid types, and targeting affect the performance of Facebook ads. Using the Facebook Split Testing capability in Sprinklr, you can run a sample Facebook Ad campaign with a set of chosen target audiences or selected creatives for a short duration of time and analyze which ad performs the best. This allows you to narrow down to the right targeting audience with maximum reach and the best-performing creative with maximum engagement.

Successful use of Facebook Split testing ensures effective Ads budget allocation and increased engagement. 

You can choose between the following tests to determine the Ads performance potential:

  • Ad Variant Split Test: Create multiple ad variants and find which converts the best on your target audience. For example, comparing a slideshow video with a carousel of images promoting your products or services.

  • Audience Split Test: Use the Audience split test to determine the best performing audience section for your creative. For example, setting up audiences with similar interests, but different age groups, to compare performance by demographic.

To learn about the best practices of Split Testing, see Best practices for Facebook A/B testing.

Use of this feature requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

To Use Split Testing

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Search and select Split Testing from Platform Search.
  2. On the Ads Composer window, select a Facebook Ad account.
  3. In the Campaign Details section, select your Facebook campaign Objective and provide a Campaign Name. Click Next. All Facebook Campaign objective types are supported for Split Testing.
  4. In the Split Testing section, from the Select Variable drop-down menu, select either Targeting or Creative. Subsequently, enter the rest of the details. For more information, see Split Testing — Field Description


    • Ad Variant Split Test: Select Creative if you are trying to find your optimal creative variation.
    • Audience Split Test: Select Targeting if you are trying to find your optimal Target Audience to target your creatives.
  5. In the Target Audience section, select the target audiences from the list of audiences or click Create new Audience to create a new segment of the target audience. Click Next.


  1. In the Budget & Schedule section, adjust the budget, bids, and placements for your Facebook Ads Split Test. Click Next.
  2. In the Creatives section, select from existing ad creatives or click Create New Creative and build new creatives for your Split Test. Click Next.


    For true Creative Split Testing, change one aspect of your creative, i.e. create two or more creatives by only changing their landing pages, headlines, body, or image/video. 

  3. Proceed to the Review section and publish your Split Test from the bottom-right corner. After your Ad Study has ended, compare the performance metrics to determine which Creative or Audience Target performed better.

Split Testing — Field Description

Field Description


Select from the following:

  • Targeting: The audience split test determines the best performing audience segment for your creative.
  • Creative: Create multiple Ad variants and determine which converts the best on your target audience.

Determine Duration

Number of Days: Set the number of days you wish to run the split test. The ad campaign will stop post the chosen duration.

Enable publish winner campaign

Slide the Toggle icon Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 11.07.13 AM.png to enable it if you wish to enable the Winners Ad campaign. A Winners Ad campaign identifies the winner in the Split Test and helps create a new campaign. It will create a clone of the campaign, delete all the non-winning ad entities and publish the campaign live.

Winners Ad Campaign

(Available when Enable publish winner campaign is enabled)

Number of winning Ad Sets: Set the metric for choosing the winning Ad sets. The best performing ads from the Split Test will be determined based on the selected metric and used to create the winners ad campaign. Set the number of winner ads to choose the ads for the new Winner Ad Campaign.

Business Manager

Select your Business Manager page. A Business Manager must be loaded into Sprinklr to run a Facebook Split Test.