Identify Messages Originating from Facebook Messenger in Rule Engine


Rule Engine supports identifying the source of message coming from Facebook Messenger chat plugin embedded on your website, Facebook mobile, or native Facebook channel. You can create a condition based on source of a message and then configure an action based on that condition. So messages can be easily differentiated based on the source they are coming from.

To Identify Messages Originating from Facebook Messenger

  1. Click the New Tab icon and select Rule Engine under the Social Core Cloud.

  2. In the top right corner, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, provide a Name and an optional Description for your new Rule and set the Rule Scope to Workspace or Customer.

  4. From the Context drop-down menu, select Inbound.

  5. If you want, modify the values for Activation Date and Rule Execution Batch. To proceed with the default values, click Next.

  6. In Rule Type select Standard or On Demand.

  7. In the Rule Builder window, click the icon and select Add Condition. 

  8. Give the condition a Name and under The source of the Message, select Message Origin from available dropdown options.

  9. Select the required option(s) from Select Message Origin dropdown. You can select from Messenger - Mobile, Messenger - Chat Plugin, and Messenger - Facebook Native.
    Identifying Facebook message sources in Rule Engine

  10. Click icon in the top right corner to close your condition

  11. Click icon and select Add Action to set your desired action.

  12. Click Save to finalize the rule.